Pre-Applied Patches
u; unicornio
ND INDUSTRIES : Threadlockers, Sealants, Anti-Seize, Expoxies, etc
Anone%3B%22%3ETHREADLOCKERS%20%E2%80%A2%20THREAD%20SEALANTS%0AIFI%20525%0AIFI525%0AIFI%20524%0AIFI524%0AIFI125%0AIFI%20125%0AIFI%20124%0AIFI124%0AThread%20Size%09Type%20of%20Locking%20Mechanism%09Standard%20(URL)%09Locking%20Performance%09Patch%20Location%20per%20Standard%09Patch%20Location%0AM1.6%20x%200.35%09Nonmetallic%20Resistant%20Element%0A(a.k.a.%20Nylon%20Patch%2C%20NYLOK%2C%20ND%20Patch...)%09IFI-524%20(1996)%09Prevailing-On%20Torque%20(Max)%20%3A%200.1%20Nm%0A%0APrevailing-Off%20Torque%20-%20First%20Removal%20(Min)%20%3A%200.01%20Nm%0APrevailing-Off%20Torque%20-%20Fifth%20Removal%20(Min)%20%3A%200.004%20Nm%0ANylon%20patch%2C%20pellet%20or%20strip%09%0AUnless%20specified%20otherwise%20a%20nylon%20patch%20will%20be%20located%20as%20follows%20%3A%0AX%20%3A%205-7%20Thread%20Pitches%20of%20Coating%20(TYP)%0AY%20%3A%201-3%20Thread%20Pitches%20wo%2F%20Coating%20(TYP)%0AZ%20%3A%20120%20DEG%20(TYP)%0AM2%20x%200.35%09Nonmetallic%20Resistant%20Element%0A(a.k.a.%20Nylon%20Patch%2C%20NYLOK%2C%20ND%20Patch...)%09IFI-524%20(1996)%09Prevailing-On%20Torque%20(Max)%20%3A%200.2%20Nm%0A%0APrevailing-Off%20Torque%20-%20First%20Removal%20(Min)%20%3A%200.02%20Nm%0APrevailing-Off%20Torque%20-%20Fifth%20Removal%20(Min)%20%3A%200.01%20Nm%0ANylon%20patch%2C%20pellet%20or%20strip%09%0AUnless%20specified%20otherwise%20a%20nylon%20patch%20will%20be%20located%20as%20follows%20%3A%0AX%20%3A%205-7%20Thread%20Pitches%20of%20Coating%20(TYP)%0AY%20%3A%201-3%20Thread%20Pitches%20wo%2F%20Coating%20(TYP)%0AZ%20%3A%20120%20DEG%20(TYP)%0AM2.5%20x%200.45%09Nonmetallic%20Resistant%20Element%0A(a.k.a.%20Nylon%20Patch%2C%20NYLOK%2C%20ND%20Patch...)%09IFI-524%20(1996)%09Prevailing-On%20Torque%20(Max)%20%3A%200.4%20Nm%0A%0APrevailing-Off%20Torque%20-%20First%20Removal%20(Min)%20%3A%200.05%20Nm%0APrevailing-Off%20Torque%20-%20Fifth%20Removal%20(Min)%20%3A%200.03%20Nm%0ANylon%20patch%2C%20pellet%20or%20strip%09%0A%09Unless%20specified%20otherwise%20a%20nylon%20patch%20will%20be%20located%20as%20follows%20%3A%0AX%20%3A%205-7%20Thread%20Pitches%20of%20Coating%20(TYP)%0AY%20%3A%201-3%20Thread%20Pitches%20wo%2F%20Coating%20(TYP)%0AZ%20%3A%20120%20DEG%20(TYP)%0ARETAINING%20COMPOUNDS%20%E2%80%A2%20LIQUID%20GASKETING%0ACYANOACRYLATES%20%E2%80%A2%20ANTI-SEIZE%20COMPOUNDS%0AUV%20CURABLES%20%E2%80%A2%20EPOXIES%20%E2%80%A2%20AND%20MORE!%0A%0AA%20Single-Source%20Supplier%0AND%20is%20a%20vertically%20integrated%20company%20and%20has%0Aachieved%20a%20unique%20position%20in%20today%E2%80%99s%20market%0Aplace%20with%20a%20wide%20range%20of%20products%20designed%0Ato%20seal%2C%20cushion%2C%20insulate%2C%20temporarily%20retain%2C%0Aand%20control%20noise%20and%20vibration.%20ND%E2%80%99s%20high%0Aquality%20line%20of%20products%2C%20customer%20driven%0Asolutions%20and%20on-time-delivery%20is%20the%20reason%0Awhy%20more%20companies%20are%20turning%20to%20ND%20as%0Atheir%20single-source%20supplier.%0A%0AA%20Global%20Presence%0AND%20owns%20and%20operates%20numerous%20facilities%0Ain%20North%20America.%20ND%E2%80%99s%20latest%20state%20of%20the%20art%0Aexpansion%20includes%20facilities%20in%20Taiwan%20and%0AChina%20with%20licensees%20located%20throughout%20the%0Aworld.%20No%20matter%20where%20they%20are%20located%2C%20each%0AND%20facility%20is%20a%20fully%20supported%20member%20of%20the%0AND%20family%20dedicated%20to%20providing%20innovative%2C%0Aaffordable%20fastening%20and%20assembly%20related%0Aproducts%20and%20services.%0A%0AA%20Company%20You%20Can%20Rely%20On%0ASince%201955%2C%20ND%20Industries%20has%20been%20providing%20top%20quality%20fastening%20and%20assembly%20related%20products%0Aand%20services%20to%20a%20wide%20variety%20of%20industries%20including%20automotive%2C%20electronics%2C%20aerospace%2C%0Aappliance%2C%20and%20many%20more.%20ND%E2%80%99s%20commitment%20to%20improvement%20has%20led%20to%20a%20continuous%20investment%0Ain%20the%20best%20equipment%2C%20facilities%2C%20and%20people%20to%20serve%20you.%0Athe%20bottled%20product%20division%20of%20ND%20Industries%0A%0AVibra-Tite%20is%20one%20of%20the%20world%E2%80%99s%20market%20leaders%20in%20anaerobics%2C%20cyanoacrylates%2C%20epoxies%20and%0Aultraviolet%20technologies.%20Vibra-Tite%20is%20quickly%20becoming%20one%20of%20the%20most%20highly%20respected%0Anames%20in%20the%20adhesive%20industry.%20And%2C%20as%20a%20result%20of%20ND%E2%80%99s%20low%20overhe!%0A%0AVibra-Tite%20111%20Low%20Strength%20Threadlocker%20that%20eliminates%20vibrational%20loosening%20and%20seals%20against%20leakage%0A%0Aand%20corrosion.%20Ideal%20for%20use%20on%20assemblies%20requiring%20periodic%20adjustment.%20Typical%20uses%20include%20soft%20metal%20fasten-%0Aers%2C%20precision%20screws%2C%20and%20locking%20fasteners%20smaller%20than%201%2F4%E2%80%9D%20(6%20mm)%20in%20diameter.%20COMPETES%20WITH%20LOCTITE%C2%AE%0A%0A222TM%0A%0AVibra-Tite%20121%20Medium%2C%20Removable%20Strength%20Threadlocker%20that%20seals%20nuts%20and%20bolts%20allowing%20disassem-%0Ably%20using%20standard%20tools.%20Typical%20uses%20include%20locking%20nuts%2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data-settings="" data-module-active="1">
THREADLOCKERS â?¢ THREAD SEALANTS IFI 525 IFI525 IFI 524 IFI524 IFI125 IFI 125 IFI 124 IFI124 Thread Size Type of Locking Mechanism Standard (URL) Locking Performance Patch Location per Standard Patch Location M1.6 x 0.35 Nonmetallic Resistant Element (a.k.a. Nylon Patch, NYLOK, ND Patch...) IFI-524 (1996) Prevailing-On Torque (Max) : 0.1 Nm Prevailing-Off Torque - First Removal (Min) : 0.01 Nm Prevailing-Off Torque - Fifth Removal (Min) : 0.004 Nm Nylon patch, pellet or strip Unless specified otherwise a nylon patch will be located as follows : X : 5-7 Thread Pitches of Coating (TYP) Y : 1-3 Thread Pitches wo/ Coating (TYP) Z : 120 DEG (TYP) M2 x 0.35 Nonmetallic Resistant Element (a.k.a. Nylon Patch, NYLOK, ND Patch...) IFI-524 (1996) Prevailing-On Torque (Max) : 0.2 Nm Prevailing-Off Torque - First Removal (Min) : 0.02 Nm Prevailing-Off Torque - Fifth Removal (Min) : 0.01 Nm Nylon patch, pellet or strip Unless specified otherwise a nylon patch will be located as follows : X : 5-7 Thread Pitches of Coating (TYP) Y : 1-3 Thread Pitches wo/ Coating (TYP) Z : 120 DEG (TYP) M2.5 x 0.45 Nonmetallic Resistant Element (a.k.a. Nylon Patch, NYLOK, ND Patch...) IFI-524 (1996) Prevailing-On Torque (Max) : 0.4 Nm Prevailing-Off Torque - First Removal (Min) : 0.05 Nm Prevailing-Off Torque - Fifth Removal (Min) : 0.03 Nm Nylon patch, pellet or strip Unless specified otherwise a nylon patch will be located as follows : X : 5-7 Thread Pitches of Coating (TYP) Y : 1-3 Thread Pitches wo/ Coating (TYP) Z : 120 DEG (TYP) RETAINING COMPOUNDS â?¢ LIQUID GASKETING CYANOACRYLATES â?¢ ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUNDS UV CURABLES â?¢ EPOXIES â?¢ AND MORE! A Single-Source Supplier ND is a vertically integrated company and has achieved a unique position in todayâ??s market place with a wide range of products designed to seal, cushion, insulate, temporarily retain, and control noise and vibration. NDâ??s high quality line of products, customer driven solutions and on-time-delivery is the reason why more companies are turning to ND as their single-source supplier. A Global Presence ND owns and operates numerous facilities in North America. NDâ??s latest state of the art expansion includes facilities in Taiwan and China with licensees located throughout the world. No matter where they are located, each ND facility is a fully supported member of the ND family dedicated to providing innovative, affordable fastening and assembly related products and services. A Company You Can Rely On Since 1955, ND Industries has been providing top quality fastening and assembly related products and services to a wide variety of industries including automotive, electronics, aerospace, appliance, and many more. NDâ??s commitment to improvement has led to a continuous investment in the best equipment, facilities, and people to serve you. the bottled product division of ND Industries Vibra-Tite is one of the worldâ??s market leaders in anaerobics, cyanoacrylates, epoxies and ultraviolet technologies. Vibra-Tite is quickly becoming one of the most highly respected names in the adhesive industry. And, as a result of NDâ??s low overhead expenses and in-house capabilities, Vibra-Tite products offer the same high quality and superior performance of other name brand products at a cost saving of up to 40%. 2 ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. 3 Table of Contents Threadlocking.................................................................................................................................... 4-6 Vibra-Tite® VC-3® Threadmate.............................................................................................................. 7 Thread Sealing....................................................................................................................................8-9 Retaining ........................................................................................................................................10-11 Liquid Gasketing.................................................................................................................................. 12 RTV Silicone Gaskets......................................................................................................................... 12 Anti-Seize Lubricants......................................................................................................................... 13 Cyanoacrylates...............................................................................................................................14-16 Light Cure Adhesives.......................................................................................................................... 17 Epoxies ............................................................................................................................................. 18 Modified Methacrylates ...................................................................................................................... 19 MS Polymers........................................................................................................................................ 19 Structural Adhesives........................................................................................................................... 20 Hot Melts ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Urethanes............................................................................................................................................. 21 Primers, Activators & Accelerators .................................................................................................. 22 Thermal Defender................................................................................................................................ 23 Vibra-Tite Specialty Products .......................................................................................................24-27 ND R & D, Chemical Blending, and Private Label Services.......................................................28-29 ND Pre-Applied Products and Services.......................................................................................30-31 LOCTITE and 242 are registered trademarks and 222, 243, 246, 262, 263, 272, 271, 277, 290 and 425 are trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Color Viscosity (cP) Max Gap Fill (in) Torque Strength, Break/Prevail (in LB.) Temp Range Fixture Time (min.) Specific Gravity Specs Met 111 222TM LOW STRENGTH 11102 11110 11150 11125 11100 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1L Jug 21463 21464 Easy to remove - for fasteners smaller than 1/4â??â?? in diameter. Purple 1200 - 5000 Thixotropic 0.007 75 / 25 -65°F to 300°F 10 - 30 1.05 MIL-S-46163A ASTM D-5363 NSF Non-Food 121 242® MEDIUM STRENGTH 12102 12110 12150 12125 12100 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1L Jug 24221 24231 24241 24243 Removable Grade for fasteners 1/4â??â?? to 3/4â??â?? in diameter. Blue 1200 - 5000 Thixotropic 0.007 120 / 45 -65°F to 300°F 10 - 30 1.07 MIL-S-46163A ASTM D-5363 NSF Non-Food 122 243TM OIL TOLERANT 12202 12210 12250 12225 12200 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1L Jug 24077 24078 24079 21433 Used on fasteners from 1/4â??â?? to 3/4â??â?? in diameter. Blue 2250 - 12000 Thixotropic 0.015 195 / 70 -65°F to 300°F 5 - 10 1.08 123 246TM MEDIUM STRENGTH HI-TEMP OIL TOLERANT 12350 50 mL Bottle 29514 Fasteners 1/4â??â?? to 3/4â??â?? Blue 2600 170 / 50 450°F 5 1.15 ASTM D5363 125 MEDIUM STRENGTH GEL 12508 12535 12550 12516 8 mL Tube 35 mL Pump 50 mL Tube 16 oz Jar w/Brush Removable Grade for fasteners 1/4â??â?? to 3/4â??â?? in diameter. Blue Gel 0.015 120 / 45 -65°F to 300°F 10 - 30 1.1 131 262TM PERMANENT STRENGTH 13102 13110 13150 13125 13100 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1L Jug 26221 26231 26241 26243 Permanently locks nuts and bolts up to 1â? in diameter. Red 1800 - 5000 Thixotropic 0.007 200 / 250 -65°F to 300°F 5 - 20 1.05 MIL-S-46163A ASTM D-5363 NSF Non-Food 132 263TM HIGH STRENGTH PRIMERLESS, OIL TOLERANT 13250 50 mL Bottle 1330585 Bolts up to 1â??â??. Primerless. Red 400 0.007 275 / 290 360°F 5 1.1 ASTM D5363 135 PERMANENT STRENGTH GEL 13508 13535 13550 13516 8 mL Tube 35 mL Pump 50 mL Tube 16 oz Jar w/Brush Permanently locks nuts and bolts up to 1â? in diameter. Red Gel 0.015 200 / 100 -65°F to 300°F 5 - 20 1.1 137 272TM HIGH TEMP / HIGH STRENGTH 13750 13725 13700 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1L Jug 27240 27270 27285 Permanently locks nuts and bolts up to 1 1/2â? in diameter. Red 9500 0.007 300 / 250 -65°F to 450°F 5 - 60 1.11 140 271TM HIGH STRENGTH 14002 14010 14050 14025 14000 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1L Jug 27121 27131 27141 27143 Permanently locks nuts and bolts up to 1â? in diameter. Red 500 0.007 250 / 275 -65°F to 300°F 10 - 30 1.10 MIL-S-46163A ASTM D-5363 146 277TM LARGE DIAMETER / HIGH STRENGTH 14602 14610 14650 14625 14600 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1L Jug 21434 27731 27741 27743 Permanently locks nuts and bolts up to 1 1/2â? in diameter. Red 7000 0.010 300 / 250 -65°F to 300°F 10 - 20 1.12 MIL-S-46163A ASTM D-5363 150 290TM MEDIUM STRENGTH WICKING GRADE 15002 15010 15050 15025 15000 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1L Jug 29021 29031 29041 29043 Used on pre-assembled fasteners up to 1/2â? in diameter and porous die castings. Green 12 0.004 85 / 250 -65°F to 300°F 5 - 20 1.08 MIL-S-46163A ASTM D-5363 NSF Non-Food 325 425TM PLASTIC THREADLOCKER 32520 20 g Bottle 1330585 Small metal & plastic fasteners Blue 80 4 / 2 180°F 2 1.10 4 THREADLOCKERS â?¢ Locks and seals threaded fasteners â?¢ Prevents loosening from shock and vibration â?¢ Performs better than mechanical lockers To decrease set-up time, use Excel Primer N (Vibra-Tite 611) or Excel Primer T (Vibra-Tite 612) with all anaerobic threadlockers. See Vibra-Tite primer listing on page 22. â?¢ Alleviates rust-lock â?¢ Prevents leakage 5 ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. Vibra-Tite Threadlockers lock and seal threaded fasteners. Liquid threadlockers are considered to be the most effective method of locking threaded fasteners because they unitize the entire assembly. They perform better than traditional mechanical devices such as lock washers preventing any loosening from shock and vibration. Low Strength For soft metal fasteners. Locks fasteners smaller than 1â?4â? in diameter. Medium Strength Locks nuts and bolts larger than 1â?4â? in diameter. High Strength Permanently locks nuts and bolts larger than 1â?4â? in diameter. Wicking Grade Pre-assembled fasteners and porous die castings. THREADLOCKERS Threadlockers 2 mL Resealable Bullet Tubes 15-25 Applications in each Tube! Vibra-Tite 111 Low Strength Threadlocker that eliminates vibrational loosening and seals against leakage and corrosion. Ideal for use on assemblies requiring periodic adjustment. Typical uses include soft metal fasten- ers, precision screws, and locking fasteners smaller than 1/4â? (6 mm) in diameter. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 222TM Vibra-Tite 121 Medium, Removable Strength Threadlocker that seals nuts and bolts allowing disassem- bly using standard tools. Typical uses include locking nuts or bolts from 1/4â? to 3/4â? (6-20 mm) in diameter. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 242® Vibra-Tite 122 Medium Strength Threadlocker with greater oil tolerance. Typical uses include locking nuts or bolts ranging from 1/4â? to 3/4â? (6-20 mm) in diameter. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 243TM Vibra-Tite 123 Medium Strength Hi-Temp Oil Tolerant Threadlocker. Typical uses include locking nuts or bolts ranging from 1/4â? to 3/4â? (6-20 mm) in diameter at continuous temperatures up to 450°F. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 246TM Vibra-Tite 131 High Strength Permanent Threadlocker for maximum security suitable for most applications where disassembly is not required. Designed to withstand extreme environmental conditions and chemical expo- sure. Ideal for the prevention of rust and corrosion. Typical uses include permanently locking nuts or bolts up to 1â? in diameter. Heat and hand tools are needed for disassembly. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 262TM Vibra-Tite 132 High Strength Threadlocker For permanently locking or sealing nuts and bolts up 1â? diameter. Primerless formula will cure even on passive materials such as stainless steel. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 263TM Vibra-Tite 137 High Strength Threadlocker for maximum security that withstands temperatures to 4500 F. Typical uses include bolts up to 1 1/2â? in diameter. Heat and hand tools are needed for disassembly. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 272TM Vibra-Tite 140 High Strength Threadlocker for maximum security. Suitable for most applications where disassembly is not required. Typical uses include permanently locking nuts or bolts up to 1â? (25 mm) in diameter. Heat and hand tools are needed for disassembly. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 271TM Vibra-Tite 146 High Strength Threadlocker for permanently locking nuts or bolts up to 1 1/2â? in diameter. Heat and hand tools are needed for disassembly. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 277TM Vibra-Tite 150 Wicking Grade, Medium Strength Threadlocker designed specifically for use on pre- assembled connections. Seals small gaps through capillary action. Typical uses include pre-assembled fasteners up to 1/2â? in diameter and porous die castings. Protects welds from rust and corrosion. Hand tools are needed for disassembly. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 290TM Vibra-Tite 325 Plastic Threadlocker is designed to be a low strength, fast curing material for small metal or plastic fasteners. Vibra-Tite 325 fixtures within 2 minutes and fully cures within 24 hrs. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 425TM LOCTITE and 242 are registered trademarks and 262 is a trademark of Henkel Corp. USA. 6 100 ct. 2 mL Bullet Tubes in handy counter-top fishbowl display. Available with 121 and 131 threadlockers. #12535 Medium Strength Threadlocker Gel Part #12199 Vibra-Tite 121* Fishbowl with 100 ct. 2 mL Bullet Tubes Medium Strength Threadlocker *COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 242® Part #13199 Vibra-Tite 131* Fishbowl with 100 ct. 2 mL Bullet Tubes Permanent Strength Threadlocker *COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 262TM No Mess! No Waste! No-drip! Provides com- plete coverage every time! Part #12535 Medium Strength Threadlocker in 35 mL pump dispenser. Part #13535 High Strength Threadlocker in 35 mL pump dispenser. #13535 High Strength Threadlocker Gel Threadlockers Vibra-Tite® VC-3® Threadmate Specifications Container size (manual application) 1 mL, 1oz. (30 cc), 8 oz. (250 cc), or larger containers Color Red (custom colors can be manufactured dependent on quantity) Solvent Methyl ethyl ketone. Also available in Ethyl Acetate, Methyl Propyl Ketone & Dimethyl Carbonate Cured form Resilient plastic Shelf life Indefinite (under ideal storage conditions) Chemical resistance Offers resistance to most solvents (acts as a partial corrosion barrier) Dries to touch In several minutes Dries for use 10-30 minutes. For critical applications 24 hrs is recommended. Drying method for bulk production Best achieved using considerable airflow in addition to temperature not exceeding 130 Ì?F Operational temperature range -65 Ì?F to +165 Ì?F (-54 Ì?C to +74 Ì?C) For other temperature applications, please consult factory Reusable 5 or more times Engagement torque Moderate Breakaway No distinct break; slow, fluid release as material cold flows Standard coating length 1 to 1 1/2 times diameter Lead thread requirement None Thread fill requirement 30 â?? 50% of the thread root area Note: See MSDS for Safety & Material Handling Instructions 7 ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. THREADLOCKERS â?¢ Stops fasteners from loosening from extreme shock and vibration â?¢ Works with metal, wood, pp and ppe plastics and more â?¢ Fasteners are easily adjusted, removed and reused â?¢ Works on fasteners of any shape or size, from tiny eyeglass screws to large construction bolts â?¢ Works with internal or external threads Not an Adhesive! Not an Anaerobic! Vibra-Tite® VC-3® Threadmate is a powerful locking and sealing coating for threaded fasteners that works on the principle of â??friction through viscosityâ?. Vibra-Tite VC-3 Threadmate utilizes a special blend of acrylic resins to prevent fasteners from loosening even under the stress of prolonged and extreme shock and vibration. Vibra-Tite VC-3 also works to resist leakage at fastening points by acting as a dam between mated threads. Available sizes: #21302 | 1 mL Pillow Pack #21305 | 5 mL Tube #21330 | 30 cc Bottle w/Brush #21325 | 250 cc Can One Tough Application! This product is approved by TACOM* for use on the U.S. Armyâ??s main battle tank! *US Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command Part# 11663357 ® ® Vibra-Tite VC-3 Threadmate meets or exceeds the performance requirements of the following specifications and/or standards: MILITARY: â?¢ Lockheed Martin: 11663357, CAGE # 18876, P5407, 507-13-410, P5407, P5407-1 â?¢ General Dynamics: 13233419 â?¢ Harris Corporation: DWG. P30-0013 â?¢ National Stock Number: 8030-00-163-5792 â?¢ Naval Sea Sys Comm: 5174855 â?¢ Raytheon: DWG. 998730 â?¢ US Army Missile Comm: P5407-1, MIS-28867A â?¢ US Air Force: #19207 â?¢ US Army Tank Automotive Command GD: #11663357 OEM: â?¢ Allied Signal: PCS5618, EMS73314 â?¢ Atlanta Research: SP 10234 â?¢ Delphi: 00047127 â?¢ Detroit Diesel: 9S244 â?¢ Grumman Aerospace: GF105VP â?¢ Leco Corporation: 764-709 â?¢ Meritor (Rockwell): 005-2308-010 LOCTITE is a registered trademark and 565, 592, 577, 545, 5452, 569, 554, and 567 are trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Color Viscosity (cP) Max Gap Fill (in) Sealing Pressure (PSI) Temp Range Fixture (min.) Suggested Primer Specs Met 420 565TM/ 592TM CONTROLLED STRENGTH - SLOW CURE 42035 42050 42025 42016 42000 35 mL Pump 50 mL Tube 250 mL Tube 16oz Jar w/brush 1L Jug 56531 /59231 56541/59241 56543/59243 Industrial grade, controlled locking strength, metal fittings. High temp & high performance. Gasoline resistant. White 150,000 - 550,000 Paste 0.012 10,000 -65°F to 300°F 60 611 or 612 427 577TM MEDIUM STRENGTH - STAINLESS STEEL 42750 42725 50 mL Tube 250 mL Tube 21456 High Performance Sealant. Yellow 420,000 0.012 10,000 -65°F to 300°F 90 611 or 612 440 545TM PNEUMATIC / HYDRAULIC SEALANT 44002 44010 44050 44025 44000 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1L Jug 32429 54531 54541 Pneumatic and hydraulic sealant for fluid, power and gas system connections. Purple 16,000 0.007 10,000 -65°F to 300°F 30 611 or 612 442 5452TM HYDRAULIC FAST CURE SEALANT 44250 50 mL Tube 1265769 Gel formula. Fast curing. Purple 29,000 - 200,000 10,000 -65°F to 300°F 611 or 612 444 569TM HYDRAULIC SEALANT - HIGH PRESSURE 44410 44450 44425 44400 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1L Jug 56931 56941 56943 Hydraulic sealant, non shrink, high vibration and shock resistant. Brown 300 - 500 0.007 10,000 -65°F to 300°F 10 612 446 554TM REFRIGERANT SEALANT - HIGH PRESSURE 44610 44650 44625 44600 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1L Jug 25882 55441 Refrigerant sealant. Maximum solvent resistance. Red 6000 - 8000 10,000 -65°F to 300°F 10 611 or 612 460 567TM HIGH TEMPERATURE - STAINLESS STEEL 46006 46050 46025 46016 46000 6 mL Tube 50 mL Tube 250 mL Tube 16 oz Jar w/brush 1L Jug 56707 56747 56765 33241 56790 General purpose. For stainless steel and other inert metal threaded pipes and fittings. Gasoline resistant. White 350,000 0.012 10,000 -65°F to 400°F 60 611 or 612 GM 1182607 480 MULTI-PURPOSE - FBC COMPATIBLE 48008 48016 8 oz Jar w/brush 16 oz Jar w/brush PTFE non-hardening and non- toxic thread sealant for use in potable water systems. White 160,000 -260,000 10,000 -35°F to 500°F n/a n/a 8 THREAD SEALANTS â?¢ Seals and secures metal pipes and fittings â?¢ Fills the space between threaded metal parts â?¢ Prevents leakage caused by tape shredding, vibration loosening, solvent evaporation, or damaged threads â?¢ Prevents corrosion and galling of threads â?¢ Low and high pressure applications â?¢ Seals to burst strength of most piping systems â?¢ Facilitates assembly â?¢ Service removable 9 ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. THREAD SEALANTS Vibra-Tite 420 PTFE Instant Pipe Sealant - Industrial Grade with controlled lubricity, prevents galling while protecting from corrosion and rust. Parts may be repositioned up to 24 hours after assembly. Typical uses include stainless steel and all other metal fittings. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 565TM/592TM Vibra-Tite 427 Medium Strength - Stainless Steel Pipe Sealant with high viscosity, locks and seals threaded fittings with high performance withstanding temperatures up to 300°F (149°C). Suitable for stainless steel. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 577TM Vibra-Tite 440 Hydraulic & Pneumatic High Pressure Sealant with excellent solvent resistance. It locks hydraulic and pneumatic connections producing a high strength, high pressure seal, while allowing easy disassembly with standard tools. Typical uses include pneumatic fittings, small pipe threads, and hydraulic fittings up to 2â? in diameter. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 545TM Vibra-Tite 442 Hydraulic Fast Cure Sealant is a fast curing gel thread selant which withstands temperatures up to 300°F (149°C). COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 5452TM Vibra-Tite 444 Hydraulic High Pressure Sealant is a general purpose pipe sealant that creates an instant seal on threaded joints with a high resistance to solvents and withstands temperatures to 300°F (149°C). Typical uses: Small pipe threads and hydraulic fittings. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 569TM Vibra-Tite 446 High Pressure Sealant - Refrigerant Sealant provides excellent resistance to solvents on threaded pipes and fittings up to 3â? in diameter. Typical uses include refrigeration systems and service with volatile chemicals. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 554TM Vibra-Tite 460 High Temperature - Stainless Steel Pipe Sealant prevents galling and provides an instant low pressure seal on coarse fitting threads which is further strengthened as the product cures. Assembled parts can withstand temperatures up to 400°F (204°C) and may be repositioned up to 24 hours after assembly. Typical uses include stainless steel, aluminum, galvanized metal and other inert metal threaded pipe fittings. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 567TM Vibra-Tite 480 Multi-Purpose - FBC Compatible Thread Sealant with PTFE is designed to lubricate and seal threaded connections. A non-curing and non-toxic formula, Vibra-Tite 480 contains no lead or harmful metals and can be used in potable water systems. Benefits: â?¢ Lubricates during assembly â?¢ Seals regardless of assembly torque â?¢ Seals to the burst rating of the pipe â?¢ Provides controlled disassembly torque â?¢ Easy dispensing â?¢ Good chemical and temperature resistance, 300°F (150°C) â?¢ Instant seal â?¢ Seals and secures metal fittings Typical Applications: â?¢ Fire protection industry â?¢ Chemical processing industry â?¢ Petroleum refining industry â?¢ Waste treatment facilities â?¢ Utilities and power generation â?¢ Gas compression and distribution â?¢ Automotive and industrial equipment Thread Sealants Vibra-Tite Thread Sealants seal and secure metal pipes and fittings, by filling the space between threaded metal parts. Thread sealants prevent leakage caused by tape shredding, vibration loosening, solvent evaporation, and damaged threads. Vibra-Tite products are designed for both low and high pressure applications. Thread sealants seal to the burst strength of most piping systems. Because of the lubricating properties, Vibra-Tite thread sealants make it easy to assemble fittings as well as prevent galling of the threads. For repairs, parts may be disassembled with basic hand tools. LOCTITE is a registered trademark and 675, 609, 638, 680, 635, 648, 11358, 640, 660 and 620 are trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Viscosity (cP) Max Gap Fill (in) Shear Strength (PSI) Temp Range Fixture Time (min.) Specific Gravity Suggested Primer Specs Met 530 675TM/609TM GENERAL PURPOSE - GREEN 53002 53010 53050 53025 53000 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1 L Jug 60921 60931 60941/67541 60943 General purpose for: rotors, augment press fits, shafts, bushings, bearings and pulleys. 125 0.005 2300+ -65°F to 300°F 10 - 20 1.10 611 or 612 MIL-R-46082 ASTM D-5363 GM-1183024 535 GENERAL PURPOSE GEL - GREEN 53535 35 mL Pump Drip Free gel formula Gel 0.015 -65°F to 300°F 5 - 10 1.09 611 or 612 538 638TM HIGH STRENGTH - GREEN 53850 53825 53800 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1 L Jug 21448 21449 High strength for loose fitting parts. 2500 0.015 4000+ -65°F to 300°F 5 1.09 611 or 612 541 680TM HIGH STRENGTH - SLIP FIT - GREEN 54102 54110 54150 54125 54100 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1 L Jug 68015 68035 68060 68090 High strength gap filling. Permanently retains slip-fit. For: rotors, shafts, impellers, and splines. 1200 0.015 3000+ -65°F to 300°F 20-40 1.11 612 NSF Non-Food 542 635TM HIGH STRENGTH - LARGE GAP - GREEN 54202 54210 54250 54225 54200 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1 L Jug 63531 63541 High viscosity permits larger machine tolerances. For: rotors, shafts, impellers and splines. 2000 0.015 4000+ -65°F to 300°F 20-40 1.05 612 MIL-R-46082 ASTM D-5363 546 N/A IMPACT RESISTANT - GREEN 54650 54625 54600 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1 L Jug Flexible for impact resistance. 600 0.015 2000+ -65°F to 300°F 20-40 1.09 611 548 648TM RAPID CURING - GREEN 54850 54825 54800 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1 L Jug 21444 21445 Fast fixturing for close fitting parts, high strength for stainless steel. 500 0.007 3500+ -65°F to 350°F 5 1.09 611 or 612 550 11358TM CORE PLUG SEALANT - BLUE 55050 55000 50 mL Bottle 1 L Jug 11358 Designed to be used on freeze, core, and cup plug applications. 8500 0.02 2300+ -65°F to 300°F 10 - 20 1.09 611 560 640TM HIGH TEMPERATURE - FAST SET - GREEN 56002 56010 56050 56025 56000 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1 L Jug 64031 64041 High temperature fast setting for: rotors, shafts, bushings, bearings and pulleys. 600 0.007 3000+ -65°F to 400°F 5 - 60 1.12 611 or 612 MIL-R-46082 ASTM D-5363 566 660TM GAP FILLING - FOR WORN PARTS - GREY 56650 50 mL Tube High viscosity, press-fit, slip-fit. Paste 0.020 2400+ -65°F to 350°F 30-45 1.04 611 or 612 567 620TM HIGH TEMPERATURE - LARGE GAP - GREEN 56702 56710 56750 56725 56700 2 mL Bullet 10 mL Bottle 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1 L Jug 62015 62040 62070 62085 High temperature gap filling for: rotors, shafts, bushings, bearings and pulleys. 7000 0.015 3500+ -65°F to 450°F 20 - 30 1.16 611 or 612 GM-1183024 10 RETAINING COMPOUNDS â?¢ Increases the shear strength on non-threaded cylindrical metal assemblies â?¢ Fills voids between close-fitting metal assemblies â?¢ Creates a solid one-piece assembly â?¢ Seals joints against leakage â?¢ Prevents corrosion â?¢ UV / Blacklight indicator 11 ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. Vibra-Tite Anaerobic Retaining Compounds are designed to increase shear strength on non-threaded, cylindrical metal assemblies. The liquid anaerobic material fills voids between close-fitting metal assemblies. It cures to a toughened thermoset-plastic which creates a solid one piece assembly. Retaining compounds seal joints against leakage and prevent corrosion. These materials have gained wide acceptance as a standard method for assembling press-fit and slip-fitted parts. RETAINING COMPOUNDS Vibra-Tite 530 General Purpose Retaining Compound bonds metal assemblies. A low viscosity retaining compound recommended for diametral gap distances up to 0.005â? to augment press fits. Withstands temperatures of up to 300° F providing a shear strength of 3,000 psi after 24 hours with a fixture time of 10 minutes. Typical uses: Rotors, shafts, bushings, bearings, and pulleys. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 609TM/675TM Vibra-Tite 538 High Strength Retaining Compound provides maximum strength for use where high dynamic force or cyclic loading is anticipated. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 638TM Vibra-Tite 541 High Strength Retaining Compound cures in room temperatures filling diametral gaps up to 0.015â?. Typical uses include fitted cylindrical parts replacing set screws, clamp rings, and snap rings. It provides a shear strength greater than 3,000 psi after 24 hours with a fixture time of 10 minutes. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 680TM Vibra-Tite 542 High Strength Retaining Compound is a high viscosity retaining compound that allows parts to be adjusted during assembly. It provides a shear strength greater than 4,000 psi. Typical uses include slip fit components, rotors, shafts, impellers, and splines. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 635TM Vibra-Tite 546 Substantial Impact Resistance flexible for high shock/impact performance from hub to rotor. Vibra-Tite 548 Press Fit / Rapid Cure works with continuous operating temperatures up to 350°F. Provides a shear strength greater than 3,500 psi. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 648TM Vibra-Tite 550 Core Plug Sealant is designed to be used on freeze, core, and cup plug applications. A thixotropic formula, it lends itself well to vertical dispensing. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 11358TM Vibra-Tite 560 High Temperature Retaining Compound is a high temperature (400°F / 204°C), high strength adhesive for retention of cylindrical components, where disassembly is not required on press-fit assemblies. It provides a shear strength greater than 3,000 psi. Typical uses: Rotors, shafts, bushings, bearings, and pulleys with temperatures up to 400°F. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 640TM Vibra-Tite 566 Gap Filling Compound is designed for use on worn cylindrical parts where tolerances are poor. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 660TM Vibra-Tite 567 High Temperature Retaining Compound locks metal cylindrical assemblies with diametral clearances up to 0.015â?. Provides a shear strength greater than 3,500 psi on steel sealing against leakage while preventing corrosion. Typical uses: Rotors, shafts, bushings, bearings, and pulleys. COMPETES WITH LOCTITE® 620TM Benefits: â?¢ Reduce machining costs â?¢ Press/Shrink fits can be replaced with slip fits â?¢ No expensive finishes required â?¢ Increase mechanical strength of the assembly â?¢ 100% surface contact â?¢ Retains and seals, eliminates corrosion and seizure â?¢ Restore fit to worn or out-of- tolerance assemblies â?¢ Eliminate part replacement â?¢ Part distortion is eliminated Typical Applications: â?¢ Mount bearings in housings or shafts â?¢ Mount motors, gears, sprockets and pulleys on shafts â?¢ Retain cylindrical linings â?¢ Replace keys and set screws â?¢ Augment slip fits â?¢ Lock keyways â?¢ Secure splines, bushings, bearings, oil seals, water pumps core plugs and more Retaining Compounds Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Color Viscosity (cP) Max Gap Fill (in) Temperature Range Cure Speed Primer Specs Met 709 509TM FLEXIBLE GASKET MAKER 70950 70930 50 mL Tube 300 mL Cart 21525 Flexible flange sealant resists vibration. Fluorescent blue color aids visual assembly inspections. Blue 65,000 - 200,000 Thixotropic Unprimed: 0.010 Primed: 0.020 -65°F to 300°F Unprimed: 6-48hrs Primed: 1-6hrs 611 or 612 710 510TM HIGH TEMPERATURE RIGID FLANGE SEALANT 71050 71025 71030 50 mL Tube 250 mL Tube 300 mL Cart 51031 51041 51074 High temperature rigid flange sealant withstands temperatures up to 400 Ì?F. Pink 188,000 - 500,000 Thixotropic Unprimed: 0.010 Primed: 0.020 -65°F to 400°F Unprimed: 4-24hrs Primed: 30min- 4hrs 611 or 612 730 518TM FLEXIBLE GASKET MAKER - SOLVENT RESISTANT 73050 73025 73030 50 mL Tube 250 mL Tube 300 mL Cart 51831 51845 Suitable for aluminum and rigid machined flanges. Red 800,000 - 3,750,000 Thixotropic Unprimed: 0.010 Primed: 0.020 -65°F to 300°F Unprimed: 1-12hrs Primed: 15min- 2hrs 611 GM- 1182863 732 515TM FLEXIBLE GASKET MAKER 73250 73225 73230 50 mL Tube 250 mL Tube 300 mL Cart 51531 51580 General purpose gasket maker that flexes with flanges. Purple 275,000 - 950,000 Thixotropic Unprimed: 0.010 Primed: 0.020 -65°F to 300°F Unprimed: 4-24hrs Primed: 30min- 4hrs 611 Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part # Color Cure Type Temperature Range °F 992 5920TM 99280 99230 99291 80 mL 300 mL 4.5 gal 82046 Copper Oxime -65 to 700 993 5900TM 99330 99391 300 mL 4.5 gal 20166 Heavy Body Black Oxime -75 to 500 995 595TM 99507 99580 99530 99591 1.5 oz 80 mL 300 mL 4.5 gal 80242 59575 Clear Acetoxy -65 to 450 996 596TM 99680 99630 99691 80 mL 300 mL 4.5 gal 59675 Red Acetoxy -75 to 650 997 587TM 99780 99730 99791 80 mL 300 mL 4.5 gal 58775 Blue Oxime -65 to 500 998 598TM 99880 99830 99891 80 mL 300 mL 4.5 gal 59875 Black Oxime -65 to 500 999 5999TM 99980 99930 99991 80 mL 300 mL 4.5 gal 18581 Grey Oxime -65 to 500 12 LOCTITE is a registered trademark and 509, 510, 518, 515, 5920, 5900, 595, 596, 587, 598 and 5999 are trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Benefits: â?¢ Remains liquid when exposed to air â?¢ Cures when confined between mating flanges â?¢ Can fill gaps as large as 0.050 â?¢ Alleviates the need for preformed gaskets Typical Applications: Can be used as a form-in-place gasket: Anaerobic LIQUID GASKETING â?¢ Thermostats â?¢ Pumps â?¢ Gearboxes â?¢ Compressors â?¢ Transmission housings â?¢ Axle covers RTV SILICONE GASKET MAKERS Designed for use in mechanical assemblies, RTV Silicones create a â??formed-in-placeâ? gasket with excellent resistance to temperature, moisture, vibration, and weathering. RTV Silicones can eliminate the need for costly cut gaskets. â?¢ Adhesion to many substrates â?¢ Withstands extreme temp. cycling â?¢ Excellent chemical resistance â?¢ One-part formulation â?¢ Room temperature cure â?¢ Extremely flexible LOCTITE and C5-A are registered trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Includes Brush-Cap Applicator Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Color Viscosity (cP) Temp Resistance K-Value Specs Met 906 MARINE GRADE ANTI-SEIZE WITH MOLY 90616 16oz Jar w/brush Protects assemblies exposed to fresh and salt water. Works well in high-humidity conditions. Contains no metals and is not a marine pollutant. Black 100,000 Paste 2600°F 0.17 MIL-PRF-907E 9070 Silver ALUMINUM ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND 90702 90704 90708 90706 90705 90707 2 mL Bullet 4oz Jar w/Brush 8oz Jar w/Brush 16oz Jar w/Brush 5gal Plastic Pail 100 pc fishbowl 80209 76732 76764 76775 Lubricant ideal for all metals to prevent seizing, galling and excessive wear. Resists harsh chemical environments. Consists of fine flakes of aluminum and graphite suspended in a blend of lubricants and oils. Silver 120,000 - 175,000 Paste 1800°F 0.15 MIL A-907F GM-6108M 9071 C5-A® COPPER ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND 90712 90713 90714 90718 90716 90715 2 mL Bullet 3oz Tube 4oz Jar w/Brush 8oz Jar w/Brush 16oz Jar w/Brush 5gal Plastic Pail 51144 51147 51007 Ideal for use on softer metal parts such as copper and brass. Protects from rust and corrosion as well as prevents seizing, galling and excessive wear. Excellent resistance to harsh chemical environments. Consists of fine flakes of copper and graphite suspended in a blend of lubricants and oils. Copper 120,000 - 175,000 Paste 1800°F 0.15 MIL A-907F 9072 Nickel NICKEL ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND 90722 90724 90728 90726 90725 90727 2 mL Bullet 4oz Jar w/Brush 8oz Jar w/Brush 16oz Jar w/Brush 5gal Plastic Pail 100 pc fishbowl 77124 77164 77175 Lubricant ideal for extreme temperatures. Copper and graphite free base. Resistant to harsh chemical environments. Excellent for stainless steel and other metal fittings. Nickel 350,000 - 500,000 Paste 2600°F 0.15 MIL A-907F 908 FOOD GRADE ANTI-SEIZE 90816 90800 16oz Jar w/brush 1 Gal Vibra-Tite Food Grade Anti-Seize is specifically developed for use in applications where incidental food contact is possible. Protects metal parts from seizure, galling, rust, corrosion and heat freeze by adhering to the metal surface. White 122,000 Paste 1800°F 0.15 MIL-PRF-907E NSF (H1) ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. 13 Benefits: â?¢ Eases assembly and dissassembly â?¢ Reduces friction and wear â?¢ Protects assemblies from corrosion â?¢ Withstands high temperatures and pressures Typical Applications: â?¢ Gears, Chains, Cables, Sprockets, Fastener Threads ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUNDS Anti-Seize lubricants are specially formulated to prevent seizing, galling, pitting, excessive wear, and corrosion. It will not wash, squeeze or burn out, even at elevated temperatures and pressure. ® GASKETING & LUBRICATING ® LOCTITE is a registered trademark and 404, 409, 414, 416, 420, 422, 444, 498, 382, and 495 are trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Viscosity (cP) Max Gap Fill (in.) Shear Strength (PSI) Temp Range °F Fixture Time Specific Gravity Base Specs Met GENERAL PURPOSE 300 General Purpose - Clear 30002 30028 30054 2 mL Bullet 1 oz Tube 1 lb Bottle A single component medium viscosity cyanoacry- late adhesive 150 - 300 0.006 3200 -65 to 200 20sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 2 304 404TM General Purpose - O-Ring Bonder - Clear 30402 30410 30428 30454 2 mL Bullet 1/3 oz Bottle 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle 46551 46561 A single component, low to medium viscosity cyanoacrylate adhesive. 80 - 100 0.005 3200 -65 to 200 20sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 2 309 409TM General Purpose Gel - Clear 30903 30920 30922 3 gm Tube 20 gm Tube 200 gm Tube 40904 40945 40974 A single component high viscosity gel cyanoacry- late adhesive. Ideal for bonding porous materials. 9,500 - 12,500 0.01 3500 -65 to 200 75sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 5 314 414TM Plastic Bonder - Clear 31402 31428 31454 2 mL Bullet 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle 41450 41461 A single component low to medium viscosity cyanoacrylate. 110 0.006 3200 -65 to 200 20sec 1.05 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 2 316 416TM Gap Filling Plastic Bonder - Clear 31602 31628 31654 2 mL Bullet 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle 41650 41661 A medium to high viscosity cyanoacrylate with extended drying times for filling large gaps. 1500 - 2100 0.008 3200 -65 to 200 40sec 1.05 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 3 320 420TM Wicking Type Plastic Bonder - Clear 32002 32028 32054 2 mL Bullet 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle 42050 42061 A fast setting wicking grade adhesive ideal for bonding preassembled parts. 1 - 3 0.002 3200 -65 to 200 10sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 1 321 Fast Wicking Grade - Clear 32128 32154 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle A single component low viscosity cyanoacrylate adhesive. 3 0.002 3200 -65 to 200 5sec 1.06 Ethyl 322 422TM Gap Filling Plastic Bonder - Clear 32202 32228 32254 2 mL Bullet 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle 42250 42261 A single component high viscosity cyanoacrylate adhesive with a quicker setting speed than most high viscosity materials. 1500 - 2100 0.008 3400 -65 to 200 40sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 3 344 444TM Wire Tacking - Clear / Fluorescent 34402 34428 34454 2 mL Bullet 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle 12294 Designed for general purpose bonding on all types of substrates where gap filling is required. 600 - 850 0.002 3200 -65 to 200 15sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 3 362 498TM Fast Set - Clear 36202 36220 36254 2 mL Bullet 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle 49861 A single component high viscosity cyanoacrylate adhesive with a quick setting speed. 1500 - 2100 0.006 3400 -65 to 200 40sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 3 381 382TM Gap Filling - Wire Tacking - Clear 38102 38120 38128 38154 2 mL Bullet 20 gm Bottle 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle A high viscosity cyanoacrylate adhesive for electonics. Offers gap-filling and thermal cycling resistance. 4000- 5000 0.008 3500 -65 to 200 <30sec 1.06 Ethyl 395 495TM General Purpose - Clear 39502 39528 39554 39599 2 mL Bullet 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle 100 pc fishbowl 49550 49561 A single component low viscosity cyanoacrylate adhesive. Suitable for general-purpose applica- tions on metals rubbers and plastics. 30 - 70 0.004 3200 -65 to 200 15sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 1 14 ® CYANOACRYLATES are single-part clear adhesives that rapidly polymerize at room temperature and develop strength extremely fast (fixture 0 to 60 seconds). They are initiated by moisture on the parts surface or by accelerators. LOCTITE is a registered trademark and 430, 401, 406, 435, 447, and 454 are trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Viscosity (cP) Max Gap Fill (in.) Shear Strength (PSI) Temp Range °F Fixture Time Specific Gravity Base Specs Met METAL BONDER 330 430TM Metal & Rubber Bonder - Clear 33002 33028 33054 2 mL Bullet 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle 43050 43061 A single component, low to me- dium viscosity ethyl cyanoacrylate adhesive. 123 - 127 0.006 2600 -65 to 200 30sec 1.09 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 1 SURFACE INSENSITIVE 301 401TM Surface Insensitive - General - Clear 30102 30114 30114BC 30120 30154 30104 2 mL Bullet 15 mL Bottle 15 mL Bottle 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle 4 lb Jug 40140 40140 40140 40161 A fast setting, low to medium vis- cosity cyanoacrylate adhesive for use on all types of substratesIdeal for filling small gaps. 90-120 0.005 3200 -65 to 200 15sec 1.06 Ethyl 305 Surface Insensitive - General Purpose - Clear 30502 30520 30554 2 mL Bullet 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle A medium viscosity cyanoacrylate adhesive with good flow charac- teristics. Extremely fast setting. 40 - 60 0.004 3200 -65 to 200 15sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 1 306 406TM Surface Insensitive - Wicking - Clear 30602 30620 30654 2 mL Bullet 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle 40640 40661 A low viscosity with an extremely fast setting time. Ideal for bonding preassembled parts. 15 - 35 0.004 3200 -65 to 200 15sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 1 307 Surface Insensitive - Wicking - Clear 30702 30720 30754 2 mL Bullet 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle An extremely fast setting wicking grade adhesive ideal for bonding preassembled parts. 1 - 3 0.002 3200 -65 to 200 15sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 1 331 Surface Insensitive - Gap Filling - Clear 33102 33114 33120 33154 2 mL Bullet .5 oz Bottle 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle Suitable for general-purpose bonding but provides excellent strength and speed on all rubber compounds. 650 - 950 0.002 3400 -65 to 200 15sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 3 333 435TM Surface Insensitive - General Purpose - Clear 33302 33320 33354 2 mL Bullet 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle 40994 40995 Designed to set and adhere rapidly to inactive surfaces. 250-350 0.006 3000-3500 -65 to 200 30sec 1.05 Ethyl 347 447TM Surface Insensitive - General Purpose - Clear 34702 34714 34720 34728 34754 2 mL Bullet .5 oz Bottle 20 gm Bottle 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle A single component, medium to high viscosity cyanoacrylate adhe- sive. It is particularly designed to set and adhere rapidly to inactive surfaces. 600 - 850 0.007 3200 -65 to 200 15sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 3 354 454TM Surface Insensitive - Porous Gel - Clear 35403 35420 35422 35430 3 gm Tube 20 gm Tube 200 gm Tube 300 gm Cart 45404 45440 45478 Ideal for bonding porous materials or when controlling adhesive flow is critical. Offers maximum gap filling and repositioning time. 9500 - 12,500 0.01 3500 -65 to 200 75sec 1.08 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 4 356 Surface Insensitive - Gel - Black 35620 20 gm Tube Offers maximum gap filling and repositioning time. Thixo Gel 0.01 -65 to 200 75min 1.08 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 4 15 ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. ® CYANOACRYLATES Typical Bonding Applications: â?¢ Circuit board wires â?¢ Ceramic, fabric, metal and leather bonding â?¢ Molded parts such as automotive weather striping, wiper blades â?¢ Speaker cones â?¢ Equipment identification tags â?¢ Control panel switches â?¢ Rubber pads for equipment base or legs 2 mL Resealable Bullet Tubes (15-20 Applications in Each Tube) CYANOACRYLATES LOCTITE is a registered trademark and 403, 408, 410, 411 and 380 are trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Viscosity (cP) Max Gap Fill (in.) Shear Strength (PSI) Temp Range °F Fixture Time Specific Gravity Base Specs Met LOW ODOR / LOW BLOOM 303 403TM Low Odor & Low Bloom - Gap Filling - Clear 30320 30354 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle 40340 40361 No-odor and non-blooming characteristics. 1200- 1500 0.008 3200 / tds 2600 -65 to 200 30sec 1.05 Alkoxy- Alkyl 308 408TM Low Odor & Low Bloom - Wicking - Clear 30802 30820 30854 2 mL Bullet 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle 40840 40861 No-odor and non-blooming characteristics for when vapor control is an issue. 2 - 6 0.002 2400 -65 to 200 15sec 1.06 Ethoxy Ethyl 317 Low Odor & Low Bloom - Toughened - Clear 31720 31754 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle Designed for applications needing higher peel strength. 2500 0.008 2300 -65 to 200 30sec 1.05 Ethyl 318 Low Odor & Low Bloom - Toughened - Black 31820 31854 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle Designed for applications needing higher peel strength. 2500 0.008 2300 -65 to 200 30sec 1.05 Ethyl 360 460TM Low Odor & Low Bloom - General Purpose - Clear 36002 36020 36054 2 mL Bullet 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle 46040 46061 No-odor and nonblooming characteristics make this product user friendly for vapor control. 50 0.004 2600 -65 to 200 30sec 1.06 Ethyl RUBBER TOUGHENED 310 410TM Rubber Toughened - Gap Filling - Black 31002 31020 31054 2 mL Bullet 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle 41045 41061 Provides superior shock and thermal resistance when bonding in harsh environments 2000 - 3000 0.008 3700 -65 to 280 90sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 4 311 411TM Rubber Toughened - Shock & Impact Resistant - Clear 31102 31120 31128 31154 2 mL Bullet 20 gm Bottle 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle 41145 41161 A single component high viscosity, rubber- toughened ethyl cyanoacrylate adhesive. Superior shock and thermal resistance. 2400 0.008 3700 -65 to 280 75sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 3, A-A3097 Type II - Class 3 - Ethyl 335 Rubber Toughened - General Purpose - Clear 33502 33520 33528 33554 2 mL Bullet 20 gm Bottle 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle Provides superior shock and thermal resistance when bonding rubbers, metals, and plastics in harsh environments. 400 - 600 0.006 3700 -65 to 280 50sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 2 388 380TM Rubber Toughened - Shock/Temp Resistant - Black 38802 38828 38854 2 mL Bullet 1 oz Bottle 1 lb Bottle 38050 38061 Provides superior shock and thermal resistance when bonding rubbers, metals, and plastics in harsh environments. 400 - 600 0.006 3700 -65 to 280 50sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 2 HD RUBBER BONDER 370 Rubber Bonder - Wicking - Clear 37020 37054 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle A fast setting wicking grade adhesive ideal for bonding preassembled parts. 2 0.002 3200 -65 to 200 10sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 1 371 Rubber Bonder - Clear 37120 37154 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle A single component, extremely fast setting low viscosity cyanoacrylate adhesive. 10 - 20 0.003 3200 -65 to 200 10sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 1 372 Rubber Bonder - Clear 37220 37254 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle A single component, fast setting medium viscosity cyanoacrylate adhesive. 160 - 220 0.006 3000 -65 to 200 15sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class 2 373 Rubber Bonder - Gap Filling - Clear 37320 37354 20 gm Bottle 1 lb Bottle Provides excellent strength and speed on all rub- ber compounds. 1800 0.008 3400 -65 to 200 10sec 1.06 Ethyl A-A3097 Type II - Class Cyanoacrylates, commonly known as Super Glues, are highly useful in virtually every industry. Some of the higher volume applications include printed circuit board wires and a broad range of medical devices. OEM applications include small and large appliances, automotive applications, toys, and cosmetic packaging. MRO applications include repair of plastic, rubber and metal parts. Everyday consumers are a large volume users of Super Glues for use and repair on everything from crafts to broken toys and household gadgets. Factors that Effect CA Performance â?¢ Low humidity = slower cure speed â?¢ Low viscosity for small gaps â?¢ Difficult-to-bond surfaces: Teflon, Silicone, Polyethylene, Polypropylene â?¢ Excess adhesive - Less is best Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Cure Type Color Key Sub- strates Viscosity (cP) Elongation At Break % Shore Hardness Temp Range Fixture Time Shear Strength (PSI) Activator 208 UV STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 20831 20800 30 mL Syringe 1 L Bottle Impact resistant gel. UV / Primer Opaque Glass, Metal Gel 300 D70 -65°F to 250°F 2500 638 211 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 21150 21100 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Low viscosity glass bonder. UV / Visible Clear Glass 100 100 D80 -65°F to 250°F 10 Sec 2300 215 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 21550 21500 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Potting material. UV / Visible Clear Glass, Plastic 8000 200 5 Sec 216 UV STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 21600 1 L Bottle Impact resistant gel. UV Clear Glass, Metal Gel >20 D65 -45°F to 300°F 10 Sec 1600 220 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 22050 22025 22000 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Medium viscosity glass bonder. UV / Visible Amber Glass 1200 -65°F to 250°F 3 Sec 2000 229 349TM LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 22950 22900 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 34931 34990 High viscosity glass bonder. UV Clear / Straw Glass, Metal 9500 300 D70 -65°F to 266°F 1600 230 352TM UV STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 23050 23000 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 35241 35286 Impact resistant adhesive. UV / Heat / Activator Clear/ Amber Glass, Metal 19500 290 D60 -65°F to 374°F 1500 600 / 638 250 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 25050 25000 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Doming product for plastics. UV / Visible Clear Plastics 6000 255 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 25550 25500 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Doming product for metals. UV / Visible Clear Metals 6000 265 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 26550 26500 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Light tacking adhesive. UV / Visible Clear Glass, Plastics 200 10 -65°F to 188°F 3 Sec 2900 291 3921TM ACRYLIC UV / VISIBLE W/ FLUORESCENCE 29150 29100 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 36485 Needle Bonder. UV / Visible Clear / Fluores- cent Glass, Metal, Thermoplastic, Polycarbonate, Polyvinylchloride 150 -65°F to 300°F 294 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 29450 29400 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle UV plastic bonder. UV / Visible Clear Plastics 7500 300 D60 -55°F to 188°F 3 Sec 3000 297 3971TM ACRYLIC UV / VISIBLE W/ FLUORESCENCE 29750 29700 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 36805 Medical device bonder. UV / Visible Clear / Fluores- cent Metal, Thermoplastic, Polyvinylchloride, Polyurethane 320 -65°F to 300°F 16 CYANOACRYLATES Benefits: â?¢ Instant cure â?¢ Flexible or rigid products available â?¢ High optical clarity & non-yellowing â?¢ Bonds a wide range of substrates â?¢ Will not shadow cure LOCTITE is a registered trademark and 349, 352, 3921 and 3971 are trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Cure Type Color Key Sub- strates Viscosity (cP) Elongation At Break % Shore Hardness Temp Range Fixture Time Shear Strength (PSI) Activator 208 UV STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 20831 20800 30 mL Syringe 1 L Bottle Impact resistant gel. UV / Primer Opaque Glass, Metal Gel 300 D70 -65°F to 250°F 2500 638 211 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 21150 21100 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Low viscosity glass bonder. UV / Visible Clear Glass 100 100 D80 -65°F to 250°F 10 Sec 2300 215 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 21550 21500 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Potting material. UV / Visible Clear Glass, Plastic 8000 200 5 Sec 216 UV STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 21600 1 L Bottle Impact resistant gel. UV Clear Glass, Metal Gel >20 D65 -45°F to 300°F 10 Sec 1600 220 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 22050 22025 22000 50 mL Bottle 250 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Medium viscosity glass bonder. UV / Visible Amber Glass 1200 -65°F to 250°F 3 Sec 2000 229 349TM LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 22950 22900 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 34931 34990 High viscosity glass bonder. UV Clear / Straw Glass, Metal 9500 300 D70 -65°F to 266°F 1600 230 352TM UV STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 23050 23000 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 35241 35286 Impact resistant adhesive. UV / Heat / Activator Clear/ Amber Glass, Metal 19500 290 D60 -65°F to 374°F 1500 600 / 638 250 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 25050 25000 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Doming product for plastics. UV / Visible Clear Plastics 6000 255 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 25550 25500 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Doming product for metals. UV / Visible Clear Metals 6000 265 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 26550 26500 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle Light tacking adhesive. UV / Visible Clear Glass, Plastics 200 10 -65°F to 188°F 3 Sec 2900 291 3921TM ACRYLIC UV / VISIBLE W/ FLUORESCENCE 29150 29100 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 36485 Needle Bonder. UV / Visible Clear / Fluores- cent Glass, Metal, Thermoplastic, Polycarbonate, Polyvinylchloride 150 -65°F to 300°F 294 LIGHT CURE ADHESIVE 29450 29400 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle UV plastic bonder. UV / Visible Clear Plastics 7500 300 D60 -55°F to 188°F 3 Sec 3000 297 3971TM ACRYLIC UV / VISIBLE W/ FLUORESCENCE 29750 29700 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 36805 Medical device bonder. UV / Visible Clear / Fluores- cent Metal, Thermoplastic, Polyvinylchloride, Polyurethane 320 -65°F to 300°F ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. 17 BONDING PRODUCTS ® Vibra-Tite light cure adhesives are single- part, photo-initiated acrylates that cure on demand when exposed to UV-light. â?¢ Almost instant cure â?¢ Some cure with very low intensity â?¢ Flexible or rigid products available â?¢ High optical clarity & non-yellowing â?¢ Bonds a wide range of substrates Light Cure Adhesives Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes Product Description Viscosity (cP) Shear Strength (PSI) Mix Ratio Temp Range Fixture Time Full Cure Specific Gravity 905 2 PART QUICK CURE - CLEAR 90550 90540 50 mL Dual Cart 400 mL Dual Cart Compare to 3MTM DP100® Part A: 10,000 Part B: 12.000 Etched AI: 1,500 CRS: 1,000 1:1 -20°F to 250°F 4-6 min. 24 hrs. Part A: 1.16 Part B: 1.14 910 2 PART, 5 MINUTE - WHITE OR BLACK 91050 91040 50 mL Dual Cart 400 mL Dual Cart Compare to 3MTM DP110® or Hysol E00NS. Part A: Paste Part B: Paste Etched AI: 1,200 CRS: 1,000 1:1 -20°F to 250°F 4-6 min. 24 hrs. Part A: 1.21 Part B: 1.15 911 EPOXY - GREY 91150 91140 50 mL Dual Cart 400 mL Dual Cart Compare to Fastweld 10 Part A: 280,000 Part B: 180.000 CRS: 3,900 1:1 -40°F to 300°F 10 min. 24-72 hrs. Part A: 1.48 Part B: 1.48 912 OIL FIELD THREAD SEALING - GREY 91227 91254 8 oz Jar 16 oz Jar Part A: 30,000 Part B: 80 CRS: 3,000 1:1 -40°F to 300°F 24-72 hrs. Part A: 1.21 Part B: 1.15 913 EPOXY - CLEAR 91350 91340 50 mL Dual Cart 400 mL Dual Cart Compare to Devonâ??s 2-Ton Epoxy Part A: 13,000 Part B: 7.000 CRS: 2,300 1:1 -40°F to 250°F 10 min. 24-72 hrs. Part A: 1.16 Part B: 0.96 915 EPOXY - GREY 91550 91540 50 mL Dual Cart 400 mL Dual Cart Compare to Hysol E 60 NC Part A: 6,000 Part B: 11,000 Etched AI: 2,700 CRS: 2,700 1:1 -40°F to 300°F 90 min. 24-72 hrs. Part A: 1.15 Part B: 1.01 916 EPOXY - GREY 91650 91640 50 mL Dual Cart 400 mL Dual Cart Compare to Hysol E 60 HP Part A: 60,000 Part B: 5,000 CRS: 3,300 Etched AI: 4,300 2:1 -40°F to 250°F 70-90 min. 24-72 hrs. Part A: 1.16 Part B: 1.06 920 HIGH PEEL / HIGH SHEAR 2 PART EPOXY 92050 92040 50 mL Dual Cart 400 mL Dual Cart Part A: 50,000 Part B: 4,000 3,500 2:1 -40°F to 300°F 70-90 min. 24-72 hrs. Part A: 1.12 Part B: 1.01 921 PLASTIC BONDER - BLACK 92150 92140 50 mL Dual Cart 400 mL Dual Cart Part A: 50,000 Part B: 4,000 3,500 2:1 -40°F to 300°F 70-90 min. 24-72 hrs. Part A: 1.12 Part B: 1.01 923 ALUMINUM BONDING ADHESIVE - OFF-WHITE 92350 92340 50 mL Dual Cart 400 mL Dual Cart Part A: 65,000 Part B: 12,000 Etched AI: 3,000 CRS: 4,000 2:1 -40°F to 300°F 20 min. 24- 72 hrs. Part A: 1.16 Part B: 0.96 924 EPOXY - BLUE 92450 92440 50 mL Dual Cart 400 mL Dual Cart Compare to Lord 305 Part A: 14,000 Part B: 32,500 Etched AI: 2,000 CRS: 2,700 1:1 -40°F to 300°F 2 hrs 24-72 hrs. Part A: 1.16 Part B: 0.96 930 HEAT CURE EPOXY - SILVER 93030 300 mL Cart 900,000 CRS:5,000 Etched AI: 3,900 1 Part -40°F to 300°F 30 min. @350°F 30 min. at 350°F 1.38 932 EXPANDABLE HEAT CURE - SILVER 93230 300 mL Cart Part A: 50,000 Part B: 80 2:1 -40°F to 300°F 30 min. @350°F 30 min. at 350°F Part A: 1.48 Part B: 1.48 933 IGNITION COIL IMPREGNATION & ENCAPSULATION 93318 93350 50 mL Dual Cart Compare to Lord EP809 8000 1500 2:1 -55°F to 200°F 10 min. 24-72 hrs. 1.14 934 INDUCTION CURE - SILVER 93430 300 mL Cart 900,000 CRS:5,000 Etched AI: 3,900 1 Part -40°F to 300°F 4 sec. @ 350°F 30 min. at 350°F 1.38 950 ALUMINUM PUTTY - GREY 95054 1 lb. Pail Compares to Devcon Aluminum Putty Putty Etched AI: 2,600 4:1 -40°F to 300°F 24 hrs. 48-72 hrs. 1.58 Mixed 951 ALUMINUM LIQUID - GREY 95154 1 lb. Pail Compares to Devcon Aluminum Liquid 20,000 Mixed Etched AI: 2,600 5:1 -40°F to 300°F 24 hrs. 48-72 hrs. 1.58 Mixed 952 STEEL EPOXY PUTTY - GREY 95254 1 lb. Pail Compares to Devcon Repair Putty Putty Steel: 2,400 3.75:1 -40°F to 300°F 24 hrs. 48-72 hrs. 2.5 Mixed 990 FLEXIBLE TOUGHENED 2 PART EPOXY - OFF-WHITE 99050 99040 50 mL Dual Cart 400 mL Dual Cart Compares to Hysol E 120 HP Part A: 41,000 Part B: 2,000 Etched AI: 3,500 CRS: 4,000 2:1 -40°F to 300°F 140-180 min. 24-72 hrs. Part A: 1.14 Part B: 0.98 Vibra-Tite Part # Product Description Size Mix Ratios E001 MANUAL DISPENSE GUN - PLASTIC 400 mL 1:1 to 2:1 ratio E002 VARIABLE RATIO MANUAL DISPENSE GUN - METAL 200 & 400 mL 1:1 to 2:1 ratio E003 VARIABLE RATIO MANUAL DISPENSE GUN - PLASTIC 25 & 50 mL 1:1 and 2:1 (included) 4:1 and 10:1 (special order) E004 MIX NOZZLE 50 mL Cartridges 16 element E006 MIX NOZZLE 400 mL Cartridges 24 element E007 DISPENSE NOZZLE 300 mL Cartridges 1/4â? NPT - 1/8â? orfice by 2.5â? length E008 DISPENSE NOZZLE 300 mL Cartridges 1/4â? NPT - cut-to-size orfice by 2.5â? length 18 EPOXY DISPENSERS EPOXIES Custom sizes are available upon request, including 200 mL, 250 mL, 380 mL coaxial, and u-TAHTM universal cartridges, as well as 10 gallon kits, and 80 gallon drum packs. No weighing or manual mixing is needed. Gel and fixture times are measured at 77° F. Colored products and special order products may require a minimum order. See Safety Data Sheet and Technical Data Sheet for more information. Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes Plexus® Part# Product Description Available Colors Mix Ratio By Vol. Working Time (min) Fixture Time (min) Tensile Strength (PSI) Viscosity Range (cP) PB300 MA300 All Purpose - Fast Set Time; High Strength PB30050 PB30040 50 mL Cart 400 mL Cart General purpose. Adheres to most substrates. Rapid cure time. Black, Cream, White 1:1 3-7 10-15 2,500-3,500 40,000-80,000 PB305 MA305 All Purpose - Extremely Fast Set Time PB30550 PB30540 50 mL Cart 400 mL Cart Very rapid gel and fixture time. General purpose. Adheres to most substrates. Black, Cream, White 1:1 2-3 4-6 2,500-3,500 40,000-80,000 PB310 MA310 All Purpose - For Difficult-To-Bond; High Strength PB31050 PB31040 50 mL Cart 400 mL Cart Use with plastics that are difficult to bond. Works great on fiberglass. Black, Cream, White 1:1 8-15 18-25 3,000-3,800 40,000-80,000 PB330 MA330 All Purpose - Medium Set Time; High Strength PB33050 PB33040 50 mL Cart 400 mL Cart Use when a medium amount of open time is desired. Black, Cream, White 1:1 15-24 30-45 3,000-3,800 40,000-80,000 PB530 MA530 All Purpose - Moderate Set Time; High Strength PB53050 PB53040 50 mL Cart 400 mL Cart Use when moderate amount of open time is desired. Black, Cream, White 1:1 25-35 60-90 3,000-3,800 40,000-80,000 PB560 MA560-1 All Purpose - Long Set Time; High Flex PB56050 PB56040 50 mL Cart 400 mL Cart Use when long amount of open time is desired. Black, Gray 1:1 55-70 200-260 2,200-2,800 140,000-180,000 PB590 MA590 All Purpose - Longest Set Time; High Flex PB59050 PB59040 50 mL Cart 400 mL Cart Use when the longest amount of open time is desired. Black, Gray 1:1 90-110 260-400 2,200-2,800 140,000-180,000 PB405 MA205HV All Purpose - Extremely Fast Set Time PB40550 PB40549 50 mL Cart 490 mL Cart Toughened formula. Fast setting. Black, Blue, Gray, Cream, White 10:1 2-4 4-8 2,500-3,500 140,000-180,000 PB320 MA320 All Purpose - Medium Set Time; High Strength PB32050 PB32049 50 mL Cart 490 mL Cart Toughened formula. Medium cure speed. No preparation needed. Black, Blue, Gray, Cream, White 10:1 8-15 18-25 2,500-3,500 140,000-180,000 PB420 AO/MA420 All Purpose - Fast Set Time; High Strength PB42050 PB42049 50 mL Cart 490 mL Cart Requires virtually no surface preparation. Impact resistant. Black, Blue, Gray, Cream, White 10:1 4-7 10-15 2,500-3,500 140,000-180,000 PB422 MA422 All Purpose - Slow Set Time; High Strength PB42250 PB42249 50 mL Cart 490 mL Cart Use when moderate amount of open time is desired. Toughened formula. Black, Blue, Gray, Cream, White 10:1 18-24 30-45 2,500-3,500 140,000-180,000 PB425 MA425 All Purpose - Long Set Time; High Strength PB42550 PB42549 50 mL Cart 490 mL Cart Use when long amount of open time is desired. Toughened formula. Black, Blue, Gray, Cream, White 10:1 25-35 60-90 2,500-3,500 140,000-180,000 PB550 MA550 Marine - U.V. Stable White PB55050 PB55049 50 mL Cart 490 mL Cart Excellent for marine industry usage. White 10:1 40-60 80-110 2,000-2,500 140,000-180,000 METHACRYLATE ADHESIVES Vibra-Tite acrylic (methacrylate) adhesives are a room temperature curing, non-sagging, 2-part system comprised of resin and activator. Our adhesives respond well to dissimilar materials and a wide range of temperatures. Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes Color Viscosity Specific Gravity Extrusion Rate Cure Method Skin-Over Time Durometer Service Temp. Range Elongation Shear Strength 804 80405 80455 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum Black, White, or Gray Paste 1.4 - 1.6 31.4 g/min., 40 psi at 5mm dia. Moisture 10 - 12 minutes Shore A 77 -40°F (-40°C) to 200°F (93°C) > 190 362 psi MS POLYMER (modified silane) Forms a bond on: â?¢ fiberglass â?¢ steel â?¢ aluminum â?¢ stainless steel â?¢ composite â?¢ ABS â?¢ PVC â?¢ plastic â?¢ wood â?¢ ceramic â?¢ glass BONDING PRODUCTS 19 ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. Plexus is a registered trademark of ITW Plexus. LOCTITE is a registered trademark and 312, 324, 325, 326, 330, and 392 are trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Color Viscosity (cP) at 20 RPM Max Gap Fill (in) Shear Strength (PSI) Temp Range Fixture Time Specific Gravity Activator 212 312TM NO-MIX STRUCTURAL ACRYLIC 21250 21200 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 31231 31243 Fast cure on close fitting parts. Amber 1000 0.003 >2000 -65°F to 300°F 30 Sec 1.08 611 224 324TM HIGH IMPACT NO-MIX STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 22450 50 mL Bottle 32430 Bonds a wide range of substrates Clear 10000 - 25000 0.040 2500-3600 -65°F to 300°F 5 Min. 1.05 638 225 325TM NO-MIX STRUCTURAL ACRYLIC 22550 22500 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 32530 32586 Severe environment applications. Solvent resistant. Transparent / Dark Brown 20000 0.040 2200 -65°F to 300°F 5 Min. 1.11 611 226 326TM NO-MIX STRUCTURAL ACRYLIC 22650 22600 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 32629 32685 Fast fixturing applications. Transparent / Dark Brown 18000 0.0420 3500 -65°F to 250°F 1 Min. 1.10 611 233 330TM NO-MIX STRUCTURAL ACRYLIC - RUBBER TOUGHENED 23350 23300 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 33081 Rough or porous surfaces. Pale Yellow 67500 0.005 3300 -65°F to 250°F 5 Min. 1.05 600 / 638 240 392TM NO-MIX STRUCTURAL ACRYLIC 24050 24000 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle 39250 39280 Fast fixturing magnet bonder. Amber 6500 / 17500 Thixo 0.025 2500 -65°F to 212°F 1 Min. 1.16 600 274 NO-MIX STRUCTURAL ACRYLIC 27450 27400 50 mL Bottle 1 L Bottle RVM Rear view mirror bonder. Amber 3200 0.01 2300 -65°F to 250°F 1 Min. 1.1 611 Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes Product Description Color Viscosity (cP) @20 RPM Open Time Full Cure Application Temperature 805 HOT MELT - PLASTICS ADHESION 80505 80555 80544 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 2 kg. slug w/foil pouch Designed for laminating flexible films, foils, and foam. Very high strength. Good resistance to temperature and moisture aging. Blue 5,000 cPs ± 1,000 cPs 60 - 120 seconds 8 hours 235°F (113°C) to 275°F (135°C) 807 HOT MELT - LONG OPEN TIME 80705 80755 80744 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 2 kg. slug w/foil pouch Designed for assembling Recreational Vehicle sidewalls. Very high strength. Good resistance to temperature and moisture aging. Clear 15,000 cPs ± 1,500 cPs 6 - 8 minutes 8 hours 235°F (113°C) to 275°F (135°C) 808 HOT MELT - PRESSURE SENSITIVE 80805 80855 80844 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 2 kg. slug w/foil pouch Designed for clear or translucent substrates. Good for book binding applications. High tack. Pressure sensitive. Resists yellowing from U.V. light. Clear 9,000 cPs ± 500 cPs 60 seconds 4 hours 235°F (113°C) to 275°F (135°C) 809 HOT MELT - MULTI-PURPOSE 80905 80955 80944 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 2 kg. slug w/foil pouch Designed for bonding composite panels, including Recreational Vehicle sidewalls. Very high strength. White 9,000 cPs ± 1,000 cPs 3 - 4 minutes 8 hours 235°F (113°C) to 275°F (135°C) 810 HOT MELT - FAST SETTING 81005 81055 81044 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 2 kg. slug w/foil pouch Designed for laminating flexible films, foils, and foam. Very high strength. Good resistance to temperature and moisture aging. Blue 9,000 cPs ± 1,000 cPs 1 - 2 minutes 8 hours 235°F (113°C) to 275°F (135°C) 811 HOT MELT - BOOK BINDING 81105 81155 81144 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 2 kg. slug w/foil pouch Designed for book binding applications. Excellent adhesion to U.V. cured coatings, films, and clay-coated papers. Clear 5,000 cPs ± 500 cPs 20 seconds 8 hours 235°F (113°C) to 275°F (135°C) 812 HOT MELT - COATING 81205 81255 81244 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 2 kg. slug w/foil pouch Designed for decks and panels. White, Black, Gray 15,000 cPs ± 1,500 cPs 10 seconds 48 hours 235°F (113°C) to 275°F (135°C) 813 HOT MELT - PURGE AND CLEAN 81305 81355 81304 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 1 lb. solid puck Maintenance product. Purges out urethane adhesive and cleans out equipment system. Blue 1,000 cPs ± 500 cPs 10 seconds not reactive 235°F (113°C) to 275°F (135°C) 814 HOT MELT - LAMINATING ADHESIVE 81405 81455 81444 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 2 kg. slug w/foil pouch Designed for plastic bonding. Natural, Blue 15,000 cPs ± 1,000 cPs 6 - 8 minutes 24 hours 235°F (113°C) to 275°F (135°C) 815 HOT MELT - LAMINATING ADHESIVE 81505 81555 81544 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 2 kg. slug w/foil pouch Great resistance to high temperatures. Natural, Blue 20,000 cPs ± 1,500 cPs 4 - 6 minutes 24 hours 235°F (113°C) to 275°F (135°C) 20 STRUCTURAL ACRYLIC ADHESIVES HOT MELT URETHANE ADHESIVES are a Methacrylate technology, room temperature curing, non-sagging, 2-part, no-mix system comprised of resin and hardener. It forms structural bonds on metal, composite, plastic, wood, ceramic and many other substrates. The are ideal for parts where extended open time is needed. Providing the benefits of hot melts combined with the performance of urethanes, Vibra-Tite hot melts offer high bond strengths for a wide variety of laminating and joining applications. BONDING PRODUCTS Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes Color Viscosity Specific Gravity Mix Ratio Cure Method Work Life Full Cure Service Temp Range Durometer Overlap Shear Strength 801 URETHANE 80105 80155 80175 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 275 Gallon Tote Amber 5,000 1.13 1 Part Moisture 25 - 30 minutes 24 hours -20°F (-29°C) to 200°F (93°C) Shore D 45-55 5 mm CRS, @ 750 psi 801FC URETHANE - FAST CURE 80105FC 80155FC 80175FC 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 275 Gallon Tote Amber 5,000 1.13 1 Part Moisture 15 - 20 minutes 24 hours -20°F (-29°C) to 200°F (93°C) Shore D 45-55 5 mm CRS, @ 750 psi 801SS URETHANE - STAINLESS STEEL 80105SS 80155SS 80175SS 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 275 Gallon Tote Amber 5,000 1.13 1 Part Moisture 25 - 30 minutes 24 hours -20°F (-29°C) to 200°F (93°C) Shore D 45-55 5 mm CRS, @ 750 psi 802 POLYURETHANE 80205 80255 80275 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 275 Gallon Tote Green 2,000 1.13 1:1 2-Compo - nent System 3 minutes - 2.5 hours 24 hours -20°F (-29°C) to 200°F (93°C) Shore D 45-55 5 mm AL. 2014-T3 @ 420 psi 803 POLYURETHANE 80305 80355 80375 5 Gallon Pail 55 Gallon Drum 275 Gallon Tote Green 9,500 1.54 1:1 2-Compo - nent System 3 minutes - 2.5 hours 24 hours -20°F (-29°C) to 200°F (93°C) Shore D 45-55 5 mm AL. 2014-T3 @ 420 psi 987 POLYURETHANE 98730 300 mL paste 1 Part Moisture 15 - 20 minutes 24 hours @ 1/8 inch -40°F (-40°C) to 200°F (93°C) Shore A 50 490 psi ASDM D412 989 POLYURETHANE 98902 98904 98908 98916 98900 2 oz Bottle 4 oz Bottle 8 oz Bottle 16 oz Bottle 1 L Amber 7,000 1.1 1 Part Moisture 25 - 30 minutes 24 hours -20°F (-29°C) to 200°F (93°C) Shore D 45-55 5 mm CRS, @ 750 psi 989 DAM GOOD GLUE - POLYURETHANE 98902DGG 98902BCDGG 98908DGG 98916DGG 2 oz Bottle 2 oz in Blister Card 8 oz Bottle 16 oz Bottle Amber 7,000 1.1 1 Part Moisture 25 - 30 minutes 24 hours -20°F (-29°C) to 200°F (93°C) Shore D 45-55 5 mm CRS, @ 750 psi ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. 21 URETHANES Vibra-Tite Urethanes are high strength adhesives for bonding wood, metal, glass, stone, ceramic, brick, fiberglass, carbon, foam and more. â?¢ Ideal for industrial assembly and household repairs â?¢ 100% Waterproof â?¢ Temperature resistant â?¢ Low foam formulations Plexus is a registered trademark of Illinois Tool Works, Inc. LOCTITE is a registered trademark and E-20ns is a trademark of Henkel Corp. USA. 3M is a trademarks of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. LOCTITE is a registered trademark and 7380, 7649, 7471, 7113, 712, 7701 and 7387 are trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Vibra-Tite Part # Available Sizes LOCTITE® Part# Product Description Color Viscosity (cP) Base On-Part Life Dry Time Application 600 7380TM EXCEL STRUCTURAL ACTIVATOR 60028 60020 60025 60000 1 oz Bottle 2 oz Bottle 250 cc Bottle 1 L Bottle 19822 Structural activator. Light Brown 43 Monomer 8 Hrs None Structurals 611 7649TM EXCEL PRIMER N 61102 61108 61100 2 oz Bottle 8 oz Bottle 1 gal Can 19266 General purpose primer. Clear / Green 2 Acetone 30 Days 30-70 Sec Anaerobics & Structurals 612 7471TM EXCEL PRIMER T 61202 61208 61200 2 oz Bottle 8 oz Bottle 1 gal Can 19268 Fast acting primer. Amber 2 Acetone / Isopro- panol 7 Days 30-70 Sec Anaerobics 621 7113TM EXCEL ACCELERATOR 62102 62104 62108 62100 2 oz Bottle 4 oz Bottle 8 oz Bottle 1 gal Can 19606 Clear 0.4 Heptane 24 Hrs 1 Min. All Cyanoacrylates 623 EXCEL ACCELERATOR 62302 62304 62308 62300 2 oz Bottle 4 oz Bottle 8 oz Bottle 1 gal Can General purpose accelerator. Clear / Amber 1 Heptane 1 Min 1 Min. All Cyanoacrylates 624 712TM EXCEL ACCELERATOR 62402 62404 62408 62400 2 oz Bottle 4 oz Bottle 8 oz Bottle 1 gal Can 18390 Cyanoacrylate Accelerator. Clear / Amber 1 Isopropanol 1 Min <30 Sec All Cyanoacrylates 625 770TM EXCEL POLYOLEFIN PRIMER 62502 62504 62508 62500 2 oz Bottle 4 oz Bottle 8 oz Bottle 1 gal Can Cyanoacrylate Primer for polyolefin and other low energy surfaces. Clear / Amber 1 Heptane 8 Hrs <30 Sec All Cyanoacrylates 626 EXCEL POLYOLEFIN PRIMER 62610 62602 62604 62608 62600 10 mL Pen 2 oz Bottle 4 oz Bottle 8 oz Bottle 1 gal Can Cyanoacrylate Primer for polyolefin and other low energy surfaces. Clear / Amber 1 Acetone 8 Hrs <30 Sec All Cyanoacrylates 638 7387TM EXCEL STRUCTURAL ACTIVATOR 63800 1 L Bottle General structural activator. Light Brown 1.5 Heptane/Isopropanol 1 Hr None Structurals 22 PRIMERS, ACTIVATORS & ACCELERATORS Vibra-Tite surface preparation products promote maximum performance of adhesives and sealants. Includes Atomizer New! Cyanoacrylate Primer Pen Thermal Defender is a trademark and Spatter-Nix is a registered trademark of ND Industries, Inc., U.S.A. SURFACE PREPARATION PRE-APPLIED SPATTER-NIX ® SPATTER-NIX is a nozzle and tip coating designed to be the most durable, and effective solution for weld spatter prevention on the market. Spatter-nix is adhered to parts beforehand and can be stored until necessary for use. SPATTER-NIX KEY BENEFITS: TESTIMONIALS: Spatter build-up inside nozzles and tips restricts inert gas flow causing porous welds. In addition, frequent cleaning or disposal of consumables leads to downtime and higher running costs. Thermal DefenderTM coatings provide protection against spatter build-up allowing the inert gas to flow freely; greatly reducing maintenence and increasing productivity. Results after 1 hour welding With Thermal Defender Without Thermal Defender Results after 1 hour welding Inferior Weld High Quality Weld â?¢Pre-Applied and ready for use â?¢Reduces nozzle cleaning frequency â?¢Faster and easier nozzle cleaning â?¢Increase lifespan of weld nozzles â?¢Reduces the need for anti-spatter dips and sprays gas flow disrupted gas flows freely TM SPATTER-NIX IS IDEAL FOR: TD-97 APPLICATIONS: TD-97 is a dry film ceramic coating which is sprayed onto parts to protect them from metal weld spatter. Quick and easy, it can be applied and dried in under a minute and is then ready for immediate use. USER-APPLIED TD-97 If youâ??re looking for a longer lasting, higher performance material for weld nozzles and tips, than Pre-Applied Spatter-Nix may be just the answer. â?¢ Thin metal applications (0.7 - 1.0 mm) â?¢ A Pillars, B Pillars, C Pillars â?¢ Automotive Stamping â?¢ Body Shop Work â?¢ Spot Welding â?¢ Stitch Type Welding â?¢ MIG and MAG welding â?¢ Laser and Plasma cutting â?¢ Jigs, Fixtures, Nozzles, Tips, Cabling â?¢ Work Pieces & Shrouds â?¢ Cables & Sensors TD-97 is a versatile product intended for use in a wide range of welding environments. With a low cost per application, TD-97 can be economically applied to practically any surface which could be damaged by weld spatter. In particular welding environments, Spatter-Nix will greatly out perform sprays or dips. A pre-applied product, Spatter-Nix is bonded to the parts and will repel spatter for longer durations and is much more durable. TD-97 KEY BENEFITS: â?¢Easy application â?¢Fast drying â?¢Low cost per use â?¢Savings on welding consumables â?¢Higher quality welds â?¢Reduced downtime â?¢Easy cleanup â?¢Reduced need for cleaning chemicals â?¢ A Major Metal Fabricator reduced nozzle cleaning from every five cycles to every 500 cycles. â?¢ An Automotive OEM cut down their robotic weld nozzle cleaning from three times per shift to once every six shifts. â?¢ A Tier 1 automotive supplier watched its nozzle maintenance go down from every four cycles to once every 184 cycles. â?¢ A Muffler Manufacturer minimized its nozzle cleaning from every 15 minutes to once every six hours. TWO PRODUCTS - Choose the one that best meets your needs. 23 24 TM Instant SuperGlue Multi-Purpose DriveGrip Anti Cam-Out Fluid Anti-Seize Compound Nickel-Graphite â?¢ Quick Fixturing, Fast Setting. â?¢ High Strength. â?¢ Pinpoint Precision Tip. â?¢ Surface Insensitive. â?¢ For Metal, Plastic, Rubber, Ceramic, Cork, Paper, Wood, Leather, Fabrics, Vinyl, & more. â?¢ Sporting, Household, Automotive, Marine, Crafts. NET 0.5 FL OZ (15 mL) â?¢ Assembly aid to help prevent fastener slippage. â?¢ Minimizes drilled-out screws, easy-outs, and retapping. â?¢ Increases grip between fastener head and tool by up to 700%. â?¢ Virtually eliminates tool wear and deforming of fasteners. NET 0.5 FL OZ (15 mL) â?¢ Formulated to reduce excessive wear on threads, gears, chains, cables, sprockets, and rollers. â?¢ Prevents excessive wear, seizing, galling, and cold welding. â?¢ Excellent resistance to harsh chemicals. â?¢ Works in temperatures from -300°F to 2,000°F. NET 0.26 FL OZ (8 mL) VC-3 Threadmate Non-Traditional Threadlocker Threadlocker Gel Permanent Strength (Red) Threadlocker Gel Medium Strength (Blue) â?¢ Adjustable, Removable, Reusable â?¢ Prevents fasteners from loosening due to shock and vibration. â?¢ Locks and seals threaded fasteners of virtually any size. â?¢ Works with metal, wood, plastic, and more. â?¢ Temp Range: -65°F to +165°F NET 0.17 FL OZ (5 mL) â?¢ Permanently locks fasteners up to 1â? in diameter. â?¢ No drip. No waste. â?¢ Torque Break: 200 in/lbs â?¢ Torque Prevail: 100 in/lbs â?¢ Temp Range: -65°F to 300°F NET 0.26 FL OZ (8 mL) â?¢ Removable, for 1/4â? to 3/4â? diameter fasteners. â?¢ No drip. No waste. â?¢ Torque Break: 120 in/lbs â?¢ Torque Prevail: 45 in/lbs â?¢ Temp Range: -65°F to 300°F NET 0.26 FL OZ (8 mL) All National Rifle Association/NRA images and logos are trademarks of the National Rifle Association of America used under license. Vibra-Tite is a registered trademark and Sportsmanâ??s Bench Products is a trademark of ND Industries, Inc. 21305BC 13508BC 12508BC 30114BC 47002BC 90729BC 21305BCSBP 13508BCSBP 12508BCSBP 30114BCSBP 47002BCSBP 90729BCSBP 6-Pack Contains All Six Products 80606SBP 88-Piece Rack 80607SBP 12110 10 mL Medium Strength Removable Threadlocker. For fasteners 1â?4â? to 3â?4â? dia. 13110 10 mL Permanent Strength Threadlocker. Lock fasteners up to 1â? dia. 12535 35 mL Medium Strength Gel Threadlocker. No mess, no waste! 47002 15 mL Anti Cam-Out Fluid. Easily remove or tighten screws! A MUST-HAVE THREADLOCKER KIT FOR EVERY TOOLBOX! Each FASTLOCK 4 KIT contains: Product # 27006 54110 10 mL High Strength Retaining Compound. For slip fit assemblies. 15010 10 mL Wicking Grade, Medium Strength Threadlocker. For fastener asm. to 1â?2â? dia. 12110 10 mL Medium Strength Removable Threadlocker. For fasteners 1â?4â? to 3â?4â? dia. 14010 10 mL High Strength Threadlocker. Lock fasteners up to 1â? dia. 47002 15 mL Anti Cam-Out Fluid. Easily remove or tighten screws! Product # 27005 Each BENCH PACK 5 KIT contains: For Dam Good Glue product specs, see urethane chart on page 21. 25 ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. SPECIALTY PRODUCTS A SELECTION OF POPULAR FASTENER LOCKING AND RETAINING PRODUCTS BENCH PACK Vibra-Tite Product # 12110 13110 12150 13150 14050 46050 Product Description 10 mL Medium Strength Threadlocker 10 mL Permanent Strength Threadlocker 50 mL Medium Strength Threadlocker 50 mL Permanent Strength Threadlocker 50 mL High Strength Threadlocker 50 mL High Temp Stainless Steel Sealant Quantity 6 pieces 6 pieces 6 pieces 6 pieces 6 pieces 6 pieces 36 PIECE VALUE KIT This product is manufactured by the Vibra-TITE Adhesives and Sealants Division of ND Industries, Inc., U.S.A. Vibra-Tite is a registered trademark of ND Industries, Inc., U.S.A. THREADLOCKERS - THREAD SEALANT New! From ORDER KIT #80637 THIS 36 PIECE VALUE KIT CONTAINS SIX OF OUR BEST-SELLING PRODUCTS, PLUS A STURDY PRODUCT DISPLAY TRAY. KIT INCLUDES FREE DISPLAY TRAY! 26 TM Patent Pending Dry to the touch and safe to handle Metal Roofing and In- dustrial Construction Exterior Body Panels Lawn & Tractor Equipment Heavy Machinery First adhesive washer of its kind! Super light weight and dry to the touch! Microbond Dri-Adhesive Washers are made from a fiberous material which holds ND Industriesâ?? powerful Microspheres adhesive technology. Microspheres, a material formed though a process known as microencapsulation, consists of tiny spheres or microcaps containing either an activator or adhesive. Although mixed together, the shell of each sphere keeps both parts separated allowing the material to stay dry and inactive until during assembly the force of engagement breaks open the microcaps causing activation. â?¢ Dry to the touch and safe to handle â?¢ Works great on sheet metal applications â?¢ Provides vibration dampening â?¢ Prevents loosening due to vibration â?¢ Prevents galvanic corrosion â?¢ Great alternative to split-ring, serrated and conical washers â?¢ Adhesive activates upon installation â?¢ Will not scratch surfaces â?¢ Significantly reduces weight in assemblies â?¢ Custom shapes, sizes and colors available 27 28 PROVIDES A VARIETY OF SERVICES ND Industries, parent company of Vibra-Tite, annually manufactures over one million pounds of a wide variety of adhesives, anaerobics, epoxies, ultraviolets, acrylics, and more. ND Industries offers chemical toll blending services to our customers. Provide us with your formula and weâ??ll blend, package, and prepare your product for shipment. Chemical Toll Blending Laboratory Testing ND Industries has a certified facility that can be utilized to perform testing and analysis on your products. ND Technologies Group holds testing accreditation through the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) in accordance with ISO/IEC standard 17025. This accreditation demonstrates NDâ??s technical competence in performing a variety of tests on threaded fasteners, adhesives, sealants, coatings, and mastics for the automotive, aerospace, and electronic industries. 29 ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICES Bottling and Packaging Services ND Industries manufactures many adhesives and sealants for private label use and can fill, label, and package bottled products to your specifications. ND Industries can also supply bulk materials. We provide private labeling services including label design and production with minimum quantity requirements substantially lower than our competitors. Custom Formulations NDâ??s Development Lab can create custom adhesive and sealant formulations based on your requirements. Depending on testing requirements, material can be subjected to any number of experiments. In the Analytical Lab, ND will conduct evaluations as your product advances through development to the prototype stage. Whether using differential scanning calorimetry to determine the glass transition temperature of a polymer, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to examine material composition, or a cone and plate viscometer to identify threadlocker viscosity rates, NDâ??s chemists will thoroughly evaluate the properties of your customized material. TO MEET YOUR CUSTOMIZED NEEDS INERT LOCKING ND STRIP®, ND PELL-IT®, SURE TEMP, ND PELL-IT® SOFT TOUCH TIP ND inserts are offered in Nylon, KEL-F® or VESPEL® which ND Industries automatically inserts into a fastener, making it self-locking and self-sealing, yet fully adjustable. ND PATCH® & ND PATCH® 360 Ì? RING ND patch products make threaded fasteners self- locking and self-sealing, while leaving them fully adjustable. Compare to Tuf-Lok® Vibra-Tite® VC-3® Vibra-Tite VC-3 is not an anaerobic or an adhesive. It is a unique blend of acrylic resins that make any threaded fastener self-locking and self-sealing, while remaining service removable. REACTIVE LOCKING EPOXY-LOCK® Epoxy-Lock is a powerful locking / sealing, adhesive which is pre-applied to either male or female threaded fasteners. Though the adhesive surface is dry to the touch, the forces of engagement initiate a chemical reaction. ND MICROSPHERES® ND Microspheres are offered in acrylic and epoxy formulations, available in pre-applied or bulk for application by other fastener coater / converters. Compare to 3MTM Scotch-gripTM, LOCTITE® Dri- Loc®, & omniTECHNIK Precoat®. EXPAND-A-SEAL ES0105® Expand-A-Seal ES0105 is an original 2-in- 1 application and the most effective way to simultaneously lock and bond fasteners and seal against all air and fluid leakage. ADVANCED SEALING ND PLASTISOL OPENMOLD ND Plastisol Open-Mold are parts made of moldable PVC materials that can seal, trim, cushion, insulate and control noise and vibration... often at a fraction of the cost of die cutting and injection molding. ST-3® ST-3 is designed to be applied by ND or on the customerâ??s automated band coating equipment or tumble coater. Compare to 3MTM Scotch- GripTM 4291, and LOCTITE® Vibra-Seal® 516, 517, 503, and 503H. ND MASTICS & EXPANDABLES Crushable mastics evenly fill and seal all voids and are applied by the assembler. Heat causes the material in Expandables to expand and adhere to metal, creating a seal while filling in the gaps. ND PLASTISOL ND Plastisol provides a positive seal that eliminates leaks. It is available in a wide variety of durometers and colors. SEALTEKTM 1120 A medium viscosity, cure in place gasket. This system forms a resilient, soft and flexible gasket that can conform to almost any dimensional surface. Cures rapidly with heat or UV radiation. MASKING & LUBRICATING ASSEMBLE EZ ANTI-SEIZE 917 COMPOUND NDâ??s 917 Anti-Seize compound is a high temperature lubricant formulated with Nickel to prevent seizing, galling, pitting and excessive wear and corrosion. Ideal where different metals come in contact. It will not wash or squeeze out. STAY-PUT® Stay-Put provides temporary, yet dependable retention for fasteners or other components prior to and during the assembly process. EZ Drive 300TM An ergonomic assembly aid designed to increase installation efficiency by reducing friction by as much as 75% ND LM-1293® An automotive approved process, ND LM- 1293 is a Teflon®-type fastener coating that lubricates and prevents undesirable substances from adhering to fastener threads. Compare to Nycote®. ND COLOR CODE Whether your need is to identify some special characteristics or to color match a fastener head to a mating surface, ND is your source for color identification. ND, ND Industries, ND Strip, ND Pell-It, ND Patch, Epoxy-Lock, ND Microspheres, Expand-A-Seal ES0105, ST-3, ND LM-1293, VC-3 and Stay-Put are registered trademarks and SealTek and EZ Drive 300 are trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. KEL-F, 3M and Scotch-Grip trademarks of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. LOCTITE, Dri-Loc and Vibra-Seal are registered trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Teflon and Vespel are registered trademarks of DuPont. Precote is a registered trademark of Omnitechnik Mikroverkapselungsges.mbh.Tuf-Lok and Nycote are registered trademarks of Nylok Fastener Corporation. 30 NDâ??s service centers can Pre-Apply ND products on ND-supplied or customer supplied fasteners. The service centers are tooled with state-of-the-art fastener processing equipment to provide quality products and rapid distribution. ONE OF THE INDUSTRYâ??S BROADEST PRODUCT LINES ND offers a wide range of fastening and assembly related products and processes that exhibit one or more of the following characteristics: In order to assist customers in understanding NDâ??s current product line, the products have been categorized by their function: Inert Locking, Reactive Locking, Advanced Sealing, Masking and Lubricating, and Assemble EZ. In addition to the products listed here, ND offers customized formulations for your unique fastening and assembly needs. CUSTOMERS SERVED With its growing family of fastening and assembly products and services, ND meets or exceeds many of the rigorous standards established by the automotive, aerospace, and defense industries. Customers: CHRYSLER GENERAL MOTORS FORD MOTOR COMPANY BOEING LOCKHEED MARTIN JOHN DEERE MACK TRUCK CUMMINS ENGINE VOLKSWAGEN GENERAL ELECTRIC Accreditations: QS 9000 Registered ISO 9002 Registered ISO/IEC17025 Registered AS 9100 Registered QPL-18240 Listed QSLM Registered Member: Industrial Fasteners Institute Locking Sealing Bonding Lubricating Re-Useability Cushioning Insulating Identification Noise and Vibration Reduction Minimization of Galling/Stripping Masking Temporary Retention ND, ND Industries, Epoxy-Lock, ND LM-1293, ND Microspheres and ST-3 are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. 3M and Scotch-Grip are trademarks of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. LOCTITE, Dri-Loc, Dri-Seal and Vibra- Seal are registered trademarks of Henkel Corp. USA. Precote is a registered trademark of Omnitechnik Mikroverkapselungsges.mbh. Nycote, Ny Temp, Ny Plate, Torq-Strip, Ny Plas, Ny Seal and Ny Stay are registered trademarks of Nylok ND INDUSTRIES PROCESS COMPETES WITH Anti-Seize 917 LOCTITE® Pre-applied Anti-Seize, Nylok® Ny Plate® Epoxy-Lock 3MTM Fastener Adhesive, Loctite® Dri-Loc®, Precote® 80 ND LM-1293 Nylok® Nycote® ND Microspheres 293 / 593SA ThreeBond 2446 ND Microspheres 593 Red ThreeBond 2481 ND Microspheres 593S 3MTM Scotch-GripTM 2353 & 4844, ThreeBond 2430 ND Microspheres 593SB ThreeBond 2440 & 2440B ND Microspheres 1193S 3MTM Fastener Adhesive 2451 & 2510, ThreeBond 2440 ND Microspheres TA300 Precote® 30, ThreeBond 2471 & 2415 ND Microspheres TA800 Precote® 80 ND Microspheres TA850 Precote® 85, ThreeBond 2403 & 2411 ND Microspheres AA0695 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 200 ND Microspheres AA0696 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 200 ND Microspheres AA0795 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 201 ND Microspheres AA0796 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 201 ND Microspheres AA0895 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 202 ND Microspheres AA0896 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 202, ThreeBond 2457 ND Microspheres AA0995 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 203 ND Microspheres AA0996 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 203 ND Microspheres AA1095 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 204 ND Microspheres AA1096 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 204, ThreeBond 2475 ND Microspheres AA1195 Loctite® Dri-Loc® STS ND Microspheres AA1196 Loctite® Dri-Loc® STS ND Microspheres AA1295 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 211 ND Microspheres AA1296 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 211 ND Microspheres AA1395 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 218 ND Microspheres AA1396 Loctite® Dri-Loc® 218 ND Patch Nylok® Blue Patch ND Patch Hi-Temp Nylok® Ny Temp® ND Pell-It Nylok® Blue® Pellet ND Strip Nylok® Torq-Strip® NDEM223 L&L Products L1041 NDM97 L&L Products L1030, Forest City FC-XE-16, Chemseco 3002 ND Plastisol Nylok® Ny Plas® Sealtek 1120 Nylok® Ny Seal®, Anochrome Group® Rimlex® ND ST-3-W 3MTM Thread Sealant 4291 ND ST-3-L3 3MTM Thread Sealant 4291 ND ST-3-L4 Precote® 5 ND ST-3-L5 Loctite® Vibra-Seal® 503 ND ST-3-L5A Loctite® Vibra-Seal® 503HV ND ST-3-L6 Loctite® Vibra-Seal® 516 ND ST-3-L7 Loctite® Vibra-Seal® 517 ND ST-3-L8 Loctite® Vibra-Seal® 503 mod ND ST-3-L8A Loctite® Vibra-Seal® 503 HVmod ND ST-3-L10 Loctite® Vibra-Seal® 517 mod ND ST-3-L11 Loctite® Dri-Seal® 506 ND ST-3-L13 Loctite® Dri-Seal® 513 Stay-Put Nylok® Ny Stay® ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. 31 ND Pre-Applied Comparison Chart To Place An Order: ND Industries and Vibra-Tite are registered trademarks of ND Industries, Inc. Oakland, New Jersey Charlotte, North Carolina Clawson, Michigan Twinsburg, Ohio Northbrook, Illinois Rockford, Illinois Arlington, Texas Santa Fe Springs, California Kaohsiung, Taiwan Kunshan City, China Istanbul, Turkey
Threadlocker patch